angular v13.0.0-next.5 Release Notes

Release Date: 2021-09-08 // over 2 years ago
  • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Changes


    • โœ… The behavior of the SpyLocation used by the RouterTestingModule has changed ๐Ÿ’ป to match the behavior of browsers. It no longer emits a 'popstate' event when Location.go is called. In addition, simulateHashChange now triggers both a hashchange and a popstate event. โœ… Tests which use location.go and expect the changes to be picked up by the Router should likely change to simulateHashChange instead. โœ… Each test is different in what it attempts to assert so there is no โœ… single change that works for all tests. Each test using the SpyLocation to ๐Ÿ’ป simulate browser URL changes should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. ### common | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | ๐Ÿ”€ | c6a93001eb | fix | synchronise location mock behavior with the navigators (#41730) | ### language-service | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | fc3b50e427 | fix | exclude the SafePropertyRead when applying the optional chaining (#43321) | ### migrations | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 2efc18e675 | fix | migration failed finding tsconfig file (#43343) | ### router | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | โช | 3c6b653089 | feat | Option to correctly restore history on failed navigation (#43289) | | 95f3aecc29 | fix | add more context to Unhandled Navigation Error (#43291) | ## Special Thanks Ahmed Ayed, Alan Agius, Andrew Scott, Charles Barnes, Enea Jahollari, George Kalpakas, Ikko Ashimine, Paul Gschwendtner, Pete Bacon Darwin, William Sedlacek, dario-piotrowicz and ivanwonder