angular v14.0.0-next.16 Release Notes

Release Date: 2022-05-04 // almost 2 years ago
  • πŸ’₯ Breaking Changes


    • πŸ—„ initialNavigation: 'enabled' was deprecated in v11 and is replaced by initialNavigation: 'enabledBlocking'. ### common | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 10691c626b | fix | properly cast http param values to strings (#42643) | ### compiler | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | πŸ“‡ | bb8d7091c6 | fix | exclude empty styles from emitted metadata (#45459) | ### compiler-cli | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 9cf14ff03d | feat | exclude abstract classes from strictInjectionParameters requirement (#44615) | πŸ‘ | 752ddbc165 | feat | Support template binding to protected component members (#45823) | | 32c625d027 | fix | handle forwardRef in imports of standalone component (#45869) | | 9cfea3d522 | fix | report invalid imports in standalone components during resolve phase (#45827) | ### core | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | βœ… | e702cafcf2 | feat | allow to throw on unknown elements in tests (#45479) | βœ… | 6662a97c61 | feat | allow to throw on unknown elements in tests (#45479) | βœ… | a6675925b0 | feat | allow to throw on unknown properties in tests (#45853) | πŸ‘ | 29039fcdbc | feat | support TypeScript 4.7 (#45749) | ⚑️ | 401dec46eb | feat | update TestBed to recognize Standalone Components (#45809) | | f3eb7d9ecb | fix | Ensure the StandaloneService is retained after closure minification (#45783) | πŸ’» | fa755b2a54 | fix | prevent BrowserModule providers from being loaded twice (#45826) | πŸ‘ | 4e413d9240 | fix | support nested arrays of providers in EnvironmentInjector (#45789) | | fde4942cdf | fix | throw if standalone components are present in @NgModule.bootstrap (#45825) | | aafac7228f | fix | verify standalone component imports in JiT (#45777) | ### forms | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 2dbdebc646 | feat | Add FormBuilder.nonNullable. (#45852) | ### platform-server | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | dff5586d52 | feat | implement renderApplication function (#45785) | ⚑️ | 22c71be94c | fix | update renderApplication to move appId to options (#45844) | ### router | Commit | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | 41e2a68e30 | feat | add type properties to all router events (#44189) | 🚚 | d4fc12fa19 | fix | Remove deprecated initialNavigation option (#45729) | ## Special Thanks AleksanderBodurri, Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Charles Lyding, CΓ©dric Exbrayat, Dylan Hunn, George Kalpakas, JoostK, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, Ryan Day, Zack Elliott, cexbrayat and dario-piotrowicz