ApostropheCMS v3.11.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2022-01-06 // over 2 years ago
  • ➕ Adds

    • Apostrophe now extends Passport's req.login to emit an afterSessionLogin event from the @apostrophecms:login module, with req as an argument. Note that this does not occur at all for login API calls that return a bearer token rather than establishing an Express session.

    🛠 Fixes

    • Apostrophe's extension of req.login now accounts for the req.logIn alias and the skippable options parameter, which is relied upon in some passport strategies.
    • 🔧 Apostrophe now warns if a nonexistent widget type is configured for an area field, with special attention to when -widget has been erroneously included in the name. For backwards compatibility this is a startup warning rather than a fatal error, as sites generally did operate successfully otherwise with this type of bug present.

    🔄 Changes

    • 🛠 Unpins vue-click-outside-element the packaging of which has been fixed upstream.
    • ➕ Adds deprecation note to __testDefaults option. It is not in use, but removing would be a minor BC break we don't need to make.
    • 👍 Allows test modules to use a custom port as an option on the @apostrophecms/express module.
    • ✂ Removes the code base pull request template to instead inherit the organization-level template.
    • ➕ Adds npm audit back to the test scripts.