ApostropheCMS v3.19.0 Release Notes

  • โž• Adds

    • ๐Ÿ†• New schema field type dateAndTime added. This schema field type saves in ISO8601 format, as UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), but is edited in a user-friendly way in the user's current time zone and locale.
    • ๐ŸŽ Webpack disk cache for better build performance in development and, if appropriately configured, production as well.
    • ๐Ÿ‘€ In development, Webpack rebuilds the front end without the need to restart the Node.js process, yielding an additional speedup. To get this speedup for existing projects, see the nodemonConfig section of the latest package.json in a3-boilerplate for the new "ignore" rules you'll need to prevent nodemon from stopping the process and restarting.
    • โž• Added the new command line task apostrophecms/asset:clear-cache for clearing the webpack disk cache. This should be necessary only in rare cases where the configuration has changed in ways Apostrophe can't automatically detect.
    • A separate publishedLabel field can be set for any schema field of a page or piece. If present it is displayed instead of label if the document has already been published.