Cesium v1.66.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-02-03 // about 4 years ago
  • Deprecated :hourglass_flowing_sand:
    • 🚚 The property Scene.sunColor has been deprecated and will be removed in Cesium 1.69. Use scene.light.color and scene.light.intensity instead. #8493
    βž• Additions :tada:
    • 🐎 useBrowserRecommendedResolution flag in Viewer and CesiumWidget now defaults to true. This ensures Cesium rendering is fast and smooth by default across all devices. Set it to false to always render at native device resolution instead at the cost of performance on under-powered devices. #8548
    • 🐎 Cesium now creates a WebGL context with a powerPreference value of high-performance. Some browsers use this setting to enable a second, more powerful, GPU. You can set it back to default, or opt-in to low-power mode, by passing the context option when creating a Viewer or CesiumWidget instance:
        var viewer = new Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
            contextOptions : {
                webgl : {
                    powerPreference: 'default'
    • βž• Added more customization to Cesium's lighting system. #8493
      • Added Light, DirectionalLight, and SunLight classes for creating custom light sources.
      • Added Scene.light for setting the scene's light source, which defaults to a SunLight.
      • Added Globe.dynamicAtmosphereLighting for enabling lighting effects on atmosphere and fog, such as day/night transitions. It is true by default but may be set to false if the atmosphere should stay unchanged regardless of the scene's light direction.
      • Added Globe.dynamicAtmosphereLightingFromSun for using the sun direction instead of the scene's light direction when Globe.dynamicAtmosphereLighting is enabled. See the moonlight example in the Lighting Sandcastle example.
      • Primitives and the globe are now shaded with the scene light's color.
    • ⚑️ Updated SampleData models to glTF 2.0. #7802
    • βž• Added Globe.showSkirts to support the ability to hide terrain skirts when viewing terrain from below the surface. #8489
    • βž• Added minificationFilter and magnificationFilter options to Material to control texture filtering. #8473
    • ⚑️ Updated earcut to 2.2.1. #8528
    • βž• Added a font cache to improve label performance. #8537
    πŸ›  Fixes :wrench:
    • πŸ›  Fixed a bug where the camera could go underground during mouse navigation. #8504
    • πŸ›  Fixed a bug where rapidly updating a PolylineCollection could result in an instanceIndex is out of range error. #8546
    • πŸ›  Fixed issue where RequestScheduler double-counted image requests made via createImageBitmap. #8162
    • ⬇️ Reduced Cesium bundle size by avoiding unnecessarily importing Cesium3DTileset in Picking.js. #8532
    • πŸ›  Fixed a bug where files with backslashes were not loaded in KMZ files. #8533
    • Fixed WebGL warning message about EXT_float_blend being implicitly enabled. #8534
    • πŸ›  Fixed a bug where toggling point cloud classification visibility would result in a grey screen on Linux / Nvidia. #8538
    • πŸ›  Fixed a bug where a point in a PointPrimitiveCollection was rendered in the middle of the screen instead of being clipped. #8542
    • πŸ›  Fixed a crash when deleting and re-creating polylines from CZML. ReferenceProperty now returns undefined when the target entity or property does not exist, instead of throwing. #8544
    • πŸ›  Fixed terrain tile picking in the Cesium Inspector. #8567
    • πŸ›  Fixed a crash that could occur when an entity was deleted while the corresponding Primitive was being created asynchronously. #8569
    • πŸ›  Fixed a crash when calling camera.lookAt with the origin (0, 0, 0) as the target. This could happen when looking at a tileset with the origin as its center. #8571
    • πŸ›  Fixed a bug where camera.viewBoundingSphere was modifying the offset parameter. #8438
    • πŸ›  Fixed a crash when creating a plane with both position and normal on the Z-axis. #8576
    • πŸ›  Fixed BoundingSphere.projectTo2D when the bounding sphere’s center is at the origin. #8482