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535 days ago

Changelog History
Page 7

  • v1.51 Changes

    November 01, 2018
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ➕ Added WMS-T (time) support in WebMapServiceImageryProvider #2581
    • ➕ Added cutoutRectangle to ImageryLayer, which allows cutting out rectangular areas in imagery layers to reveal underlying imagery. #7056
    • ➕ Added atmosphereHueShift, atmosphereSaturationShift, and atmosphereBrightnessShift properties to Globe which shift the color of the ground atmosphere to match the hue, saturation, and brightness shifts of the sky atmosphere. #4195
    • Shrink minified and gzipped Cesium.js by 27 KB (~3.7%) by delay loading seldom-used third-party dependencies. #7140
    • ➕ Added lightColor property to Cesium3DTileset, Model, and ModelGraphics to change the intensity of the light used when shading model. #7025
    • ➕ Added imageBasedLightingFactor property to Cesium3DTileset, Model, and ModelGraphics to scale the diffuse and specular image-based lighting contributions to the final color. #7025
    • ➕ Added per-feature selection to the 3D Tiles BIM Sandcastle example. #7181
    • ➕ Added Transforms.fixedFrameToHeadingPitchRoll, a helper function for extracting a HeadingPitchRoll from a fixed frame transform. #7164
    • ➕ Added Ray.clone. #7174
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed issue removing geometry entities with different materials. #7163
    • 🛠 Fixed texture coordinate calculation for polygon entities with perPositionHeight. #7188
    • 🛠 Fixed crash when updating polyline attributes twice in one frame. #7155
    • 🛠 Fixed entity visibility issue related to setting an entity show property and altering or adding entity geometry. #7156
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where dynamic Entities on terrain would cause a crash in platforms that do not support depth textures such as Internet Explorer. #7103
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue that would cause a crash when removing a post process stage. #7210
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where pickPosition would return incorrect results when called after sampleHeight or clampToHeight. #7113
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where sampleHeight and clampToHeight would crash if picking a primitive that doesn't write depth. #7120
    • 🛠 Fixed a crash when using BingMapsGeocoderService. #7143
    • 🛠 Fixed accuracy of rotation matrix generated by VelocityOrientationProperty. #6641
    • 🛠 Fixed clipping plane crash when adding a plane to an empty collection. #7168
    • 🛠 Fixed clipping planes on tilesets not taking into account the tileset model matrix. #7182
    • Fixed incorrect rendering of models using the KHR_materials_common lights extension. #7206
  • v1.50 Changes

    October 01, 2018
    💥 Breaking Changes :mega:
    • Clipping planes on tilesets now use the root tile's transform, or the root tile's bounding sphere if a transform is not defined. #7034
      • This is to make clipping planes' coordinates always relative to the object they're attached to. So if you were positioning the clipping planes as in the example below, this is no longer necessary: javascript clippingPlanes.modelMatrix = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(;
      • This also fixes several issues with clipping planes not using the correct transform for tilesets with children.
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • 🎉 Initial support for clamping to 3D Tiles. #6934
      • Added Scene.sampleHeight to get the height of geometry in the scene. May be used to clamp objects to the globe, 3D Tiles, or primitives in the scene.
      • Added Scene.clampToHeight to clamp a cartesian position to the scene geometry.
      • Requires depth texture support (WEBGL_depth_texture or WEBKIT_WEBGL_depth_texture). Added Scene.sampleHeightSupported and Scene.clampToHeightSupported functions for checking if height sampling is supported.
    • ➕ Added Cesium3DTileset.initialTilesLoaded to indicate that all tiles in the initial view are loaded. #6934
    • Added support for glTF extension KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness #7006.
    • Added support for glTF extension KHR_materials_unlit #6977.
    • Added support for glTF extensions KHR_techniques_webgl and KHR_blend. #6805
    • ⚡️ Update gltf-pipeline to 2.0. #6805
    • ➕ Added cartographicLimitRectangle to Globe. Use this to limit terrain and imagery to a specific Rectangle area. #6987
    • ➕ Added OpenCageGeocoderService, which provides geocoding via OpenCage. #7015
    • ➕ Added ground atmosphere lighting in 3D. This can be toggled with Globe.showGroundAtmosphere. 6877
      • Added Globe.nightFadeOutDistance and Globe.nightFadeInDistance to configure when ground atmosphere night lighting fades in and out. 6877
    • ➕ Added onStop event to Clock that fires each time stopTime is reached. #7066
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed picking for overlapping translucent primitives. #7039
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue in the 3D Tiles traversal where tilesets would render with mixed level of detail if an external tileset was visible but its root tile was not. #7099
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue in the 3D Tiles traversal where external tilesets would not always traverse to their root tile. #7035
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue in the 3D Tiles traversal where empty tiles would be selected instead of their nearest loaded ancestors. #7011
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where scaling near zero with an model animation could cause rendering to stop. #6954
    • 🛠 Fixed bug where credits weren't displaying correctly if more than one viewer was initialized [#6965](expect(
    • 🛠 Fixed entity show issues. #7048
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where polylines on terrain covering very large portions of the globe would cull incorrectly in 3d-only scenes. #7043
    • 🛠 Fixed bug causing crash on entity geometry material change. #7047
    • 🛠 Fixed MIME type behavior for Resource requests in recent versions of Edge #7085.
  • v1.49 Changes

    September 04, 2018
    💥 Breaking Changes :mega:
    • ✂ Removed ClippingPlaneCollection.clone. #6872
    • 🔄 Changed Globe.pick to return a position in ECEF coordinates regardless of the current scene mode. This will only effect you if you were working around a bug to make Globe.pick work in 2D and Columbus View. Use Globe.pickWorldCoordinates to get the position in world coordinates that correlate to the current scene mode. #6859
    • ✂ Removed the unused frameState parameter in evaluate and evaluateColor functions in Expression, StyleExpression, ConditionsExpression and all other places that call the functions. #6890
    • ✂ Removed PostProcessStageLibrary.createLensFlarStage. Use PostProcessStageLibrary.createLensFlareStage instead. #6972
    • ✂ Removed Scene.fxaa. Use Scene.postProcessStages.fxaa.enabled instead. #6980
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ➕ Added heightReference to BoxGraphics, CylinderGraphics and EllipsoidGraphics, which can be used to clamp these entity types to terrain. #6932
    • ➕ Added GeocoderViewModel.destinationFound for specifying a function that is called upon a successful geocode. The default behavior is to fly to the destination found by the geocoder. #6915
    • ➕ Added ClippingPlaneCollection.planeAdded and ClippingPlaneCollection.planeRemoved events. planeAdded is raised when a new plane is added to the collection and planeRemoved is raised when a plane is removed. #6875
    • ➕ Added Matrix4.setScale for setting the scale on an affine transformation matrix #6888
    • ➕ Added optional width and height to Scene.drillPick for specifying a search area. #6922
    • ➕ Added Cesium3DTileset.root for getting the root tile of a tileset. #6944
    • ➕ Added Cesium3DTileset.extras and Cesium3DTile.extras for getting application specific metadata from 3D Tiles. #6974
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🐎 Several performance improvements and fixes to the 3D Tiles traversal code. #6390
      • Improved load performance when skipLevelOfDetail is false.
      • Fixed a bug that caused some skipped tiles to load when skipLevelOfDetail is true.
      • Fixed pick statistics in the 3D Tiles Inspector.
      • Fixed drawing of debug labels for external tilesets.
      • Fixed drawing of debug outlines for empty tiles.
    • The Geocoder widget now takes terrain altitude into account when calculating its final destination. #6876
    • The Viewer widget now takes terrain altitude into account when zooming or flying to imagery layers. #6895
    • 🛠 Fixed Firefox camera control issues with mouse and touch events. #6372
    • 🛠 Fixed getPickRay in 2D. #2480
    • 🛠 Fixed Globe.pick for 2D and Columbus View. #6859
    • 🛠 Fixed imagery layer feature picking in 2D and Columbus view. #6859
    • 🛠 Fixed intermittent ground clamping issues for all entity types that use a height reference. #6930
    • 🛠 Fixed bug that caused a new ClippingPlaneCollection to be created every frame when used with a model entity. #6872
    • 👌 Improved Plane entities so they are better aligned with the globe surface. #6887
    • 🛠 Fixed crash when rendering translucent objects when all shadow maps in the scene set fromLightSource to false. #6883
    • 🛠 Fixed night shading in 2D and Columbus view. #4122
    • 🛠 Fixed model loading failure when a glTF 2.0 primitive does not have a material. 6906
    • 🛠 Fixed a crash when setting show to false on a polyline clamped to the ground. #6912
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where Cesium3DTileset wasn't using the correct tilesetVersion. #6933
    • 🛠 Fixed crash that happened when calling scene.pick after setting a new terrain provider. #6918
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue that caused the browser to hang when using drillPick on a polyline clamped to the ground. 6907
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where color wasn't updated properly for polylines clamped to ground. #6927
    • 🛠 Fixed an excessive memory use bug that occurred when a data URI was used to specify a glTF model. #6928
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where switching from 2D to 3D could cause a crash. #6929
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where point primitives behind the camera would appear in view. #6904
    • 🏗 The createGroundPolylineGeometry web worker no longer depends on GroundPolylinePrimitive, making the worker smaller and potentially avoiding a hanging build in some webpack configurations. #6946
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue that cause terrain entities (entities with unspecified height) and GroundPrimitives to fail when crossing the international date line. #6951
    • 🛠 Fixed normal calculation for CylinderGeometry when the top radius is not equal to the bottom radius #6863
  • v1.48 Changes

    August 01, 2018
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ➕ Added support for loading Draco compressed Point Cloud tiles for 2-3x better compression. #6559
    • ➕ Added TimeDynamicPointCloud for playback of time-dynamic point cloud data, where each frame is a 3D Tiles Point Cloud tile. #6721
    • ➕ Added CoplanarPolygonGeometry and CoplanarPolygonGeometryOutline for drawing polygons composed of coplanar positions that are not necessarily on the ellipsoid surface. #6769
    • 👌 Improved support for polygon entities using perPositionHeight, including supporting vertical polygons. This also improves KML compatibility. #6791
    • ➕ Added Cartesian3.midpoint to compute the midpoint between two Cartesian3 positions #6836
    • ➕ Added equalsEpsilon methods to OrthographicFrustum, PerspectiveFrustum, OrthographicOffCenterFrustum and PerspectiveOffCenterFrustum.
    Deprecated :hourglass_flowing_sand:
    • 👌 Support for 3D Tiles content.url is deprecated to reflect updates to the 3D Tiles spec. Use content.uri instead. Support for content.url will remain for backwards compatibility. #6744
    • Support for the 3D Tiles pre-version 1.0 Batch Table Hierarchy is deprecated to reflect updates to the 3D Tiles spec. Use the 3DTILES_batch_table_hierarchy extension instead. Support for the deprecated batch table hierarchy will remain for backwards compatibility. #6780
    • 🚚 PostProcessStageLibrary.createLensFlarStage is deprecated due to misspelling and will be removed in Cesium 1.49. Use PostProcessStageLibrary.createLensFlareStage instead.
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where 3D Tilesets using the region bounding volume don't get transformed when the tileset's modelMatrix changes. #6755
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug that caused eye dome lighting for point clouds to fail in Safari on macOS and Edge on Windows by removing the dependency on floating point color textures. #6792
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug that caused polylines on terrain to render incorrectly in 2D and Columbus View with a WebMercatorProjection. #6809
    • 🛠 Fixed bug causing billboards and labels to appear the wrong size when switching scene modes #6745
    • 🛠 Fixed PolygonGeometry when using VertexFormat.POSITION_ONLY, perPositionHeight and extrudedHeight [#6790](expect(
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where tiles were missing in VR mode. #6612
    • 🛠 Fixed issues related to updating entity show and geometry color #6835
    • 🛠 Fixed PolygonGeometry and EllipseGeometry tangent and bitangent attributes when a texture rotation is used #6788
    • 🛠 Fixed bug where entities with a height reference weren't being updated correctly when the terrain provider was changed. #6820
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where glTF 2.0 models sometimes wouldn't be centered in the view after putting the camera on them. #6784
    • 🛠 Fixed the geocoder when Viewer is passed the option geocoder: true #6833
    • 👌 Improved performance for billboards and labels clamped to terrain #6781 #6844
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug that caused billboard positions to be set incorrectly when using a CallbackProperty. #6815
    • 👌 Improved support for generating a TypeScript typings file using tsd-jsdoc #6767
    • ⚡️ Updated viewBoundingSphere to use correct zoomOptions #6848
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug that caused the scene to continuously render after resizing the viewer when requestRenderMode was enabled. #6812
  • v1.47 Changes

    July 02, 2018
    Highlights :sparkler:
    • ➕ Added support for polylines on terrain #6689 #6615
    • ➕ Added heightReference and extrudedHeightReference properties to CorridorGraphics, EllipseGraphics, PolygonGraphics and RectangleGraphics. #6717
    • PostProcessStage has a selected property which is an array of primitives used for selectively applying a post-process stage. #6476
    💥 Breaking Changes :mega:
    • glTF 2.0 models corrected to face +Z forwards per specification. Internally Cesium uses +X as forward, so a new +Z to +X rotation was added for 2.0 models only. To fix models that are oriented incorrectly after this change:
      • If the model faces +X forwards update the glTF to face +Z forwards. This can be done by loading the glTF in a model editor and applying a 90 degree clockwise rotation about the up-axis. Alternatively, add a new root node to the glTF node hierarchy whose matrix is [0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1].
      • Apply a -90 degree rotation to the model's heading. This can be done by setting the model's orientation using the Entity API or from within CZML. See #6738 for more details.
    • ⚡️ Dropped support for directory URLs when loading tilesets to match the updated 3D Tiles spec. #6502
    • KML and GeoJSON now use PolylineGraphics instead of CorridorGraphics for polylines on terrain. #6706
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ➕ Added support for polylines on terrain #6689 #6615
      • Use the clampToGround option for PolylineGraphics (polyline entities).
      • Requires depth texture support (WEBGL_depth_texture or WEBKIT_WEBGL_depth_texture), otherwise clampToGround will be ignored. Use Entity.supportsPolylinesOnTerrain to check for support.
      • Added GroundPolylinePrimitive and GroundPolylineGeometry.
    • PostProcessStage has a selected property which is an array of primitives used for selectively applying a post-process stage. #6476
      • The PostProcessStageLibrary.createBlackAndWhiteStage and PostProcessStageLibrary.createSilhouetteStage have per-feature support.
    • ➕ Added CZML support for zIndex with corridor, ellipse, polygon, polyline and rectangle. #6708
    • ➕ Added CZML clampToGround option for polyline. #6706
    • ➕ Added support for RTC_CENTER property in batched 3D model tilesets to conform to the updated 3D Tiles spec. #6488
    • ➕ Added heightReference and extrudedHeightReference properties to CorridorGraphics, EllipseGraphics, PolygonGraphics and RectangleGraphics. #6717
      • This can be used in conjunction with the height and/or extrudedHeight properties to clamp the geometry to terrain or set the height relative to terrain.
      • Note, this will not make the geometry conform to terrain. Extruded geoemtry that is clamped to the ground will have a flat top will sinks into the terrain at the base.
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug that caused Cesium to be unable to load local resources in Electron. #6726
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug causing crashes with custom vertex attributes on Geometry crossing the IDL. Attributes will be barycentrically interpolated. #6644
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug causing Point Cloud tiles with unsigned int batch-ids to not load. #6666
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug with Draco encoded i3dm tiles, and loading two Draco models with the same url. #6668
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug caused by creating a polygon with positions at the same longitude/latitude position but different heights #6731
    • 🛠 Fixed terrain clipping when the camera was close to flat terrain and was using logarithmic depth. #6701
    • 🛠 Fixed KML bug that constantly requested the same image if it failed to load. #6710
    • 👌 Improved billboard and label rendering so they no longer sink into terrain when clamped to ground. #6621
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where KMLs containing a colorMode of random could return the exact same color on successive calls to Color.fromRandom().
    • 📜 Iso8601.MAXIMUM_VALUE now formats to a string which can be parsed by fromIso8601.
    • 🛠 Fixed material support when using an image that is already loaded #6729
  • v1.46.1 Changes

    June 01, 2018
    • 🚀 This is an npm only release to fix the improperly published 1.46.0. There were no code changes.
  • v1.46 Changes

    June 01, 2018
    Highlights :sparkler:
    • ➕ Added support for materials on terrain entities (entities with unspecified height) and GroundPrimitives. #6393
    • ➕ Added a post-processing framework. #5615
    • ➕ Added zIndex for ground geometry, including corridor, ellipse, polygon and rectangle entities. #6362
    💥 Breaking Changes :mega:
    • ParticleSystem no longer uses forces. #6510
    • Particle no longer uses size, rate, lifeTime, life, minimumLife, maximumLife, minimumWidth, minimumHeight, maximumWidth, and maximumHeight. #6510
    • ✂ Removed Scene.copyGlobeDepth. Globe depth will now be copied by default when supported. #6393
    • 0️⃣ The default classificationType for GroundPrimitive, CorridorGraphics, EllipseGraphics, PolygonGraphics and RectangleGraphics is now ClassificationType.TERRAIN. If you wish the geometry to color both terrain and 3D tiles, pass in the option classificationType: Cesium.ClassificationType.BOTH.
    • ✂ Removed support for the options argument for Credit #6373. Pass in an html string instead.
    • glTF 2.0 models corrected to face +Z forwards per specification. Internally Cesium uses +X as forward, so a new +Z to +X rotation was added for 2.0 models only. #6632
    Deprecated :hourglass_flowing_sand:
    • 🚚 The Scene.fxaa property has been deprecated and will be removed in Cesium 1.47. Use Scene.postProcessStages.fxaa.enabled.
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ➕ Added support for materials on terrain entities (entities with unspecified height) and GroundPrimitives. #6393
      • Only available for ClassificationType.TERRAIN at this time. Adding a material to a terrain Entity will cause it to behave as if it is ClassificationType.TERRAIN.
      • Requires depth texture support (WEBGL_depth_texture or WEBKIT_WEBGL_depth_texture), so materials on terrain entities and GroundPrimitives are not supported in Internet Explorer.
      • Best suited for notational patterns and not intended for precisely mapping textures to terrain - for that use case, use SingleTileImageryProvider.
    • ➕ Added GroundPrimitive.supportsMaterials and Entity.supportsMaterialsforEntitiesOnTerrain, both of which can be used to check if materials on terrain entities and GroundPrimitives is supported. #6393
    • ➕ Added a post-processing framework. #5615
      • Added Scene.postProcessStages which is a collection of post-process stages to be run in order.
        • Has a built-in ambientOcclusion property which will apply screen space ambient occlusion to the scene and run before all stages.
        • Has a built-in bloom property which applies a bloom filter to the scene before all other stages but after the ambient occlusion stage.
        • Has a built-in fxaa property which applies Fast Approximate Anti-aliasing (FXAA) to the scene after all other stages.
      • Added PostProcessStageLibrary which contains several built-in stages that can be added to the collection.
      • Added PostProcessStageComposite for multi-stage post-processes like depth of field.
      • Added a new Sandcastle label Post Processing to showcase the different built-in post-process stages.
      • Added zIndex for ground geometry, including corridor, ellipse, polygon and rectangle entities. #6362
      • Added Rectangle.equalsEpsilon for comparing the equality of two rectangles #6533
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug causing custom TilingScheme classes to not be able to use a GeographicProjection. #6524
    • 🛠 Fixed incorrect 3D Tiles statistics when a tile fails during processing. #6558
    • 🛠 Fixed race condition causing intermittent crash when changing geometry show value #3061
    • ProviderViewModels with no category are displayed in an untitled group in BaseLayerPicker instead of being labeled as 'Other' #6574
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug causing intermittent crashes with clipping planes due to uninitialized textures. #6576
    • ➕ Added a workaround for clipping planes causing a picking shader compilation failure for gltf models and 3D Tilesets in Internet Explorer #6575
    • 👍 Allowed Bing Maps servers with a subpath (instead of being at the root) to work correctly. #6597
    • ➕ Added support for loading of Draco compressed glTF assets in IE11 #6404
    • 🛠 Fixed polygon outline when using perPositionHeight and extrudedHeight. #6595
    • 🛠 Fixed broken links in documentation of createTileMapServiceImageryProvider. #5818
    • Transitioning from 2 touches to 1 touch no longer triggers a new pan gesture. #6479
  • v1.45 Changes

    May 01, 2018
    Major Announcements :loudspeaker:
    • We've launched Cesium ion! Read all about it in our blog post.
    • 0️⃣ Cesium now uses ion services by default for base imagery, terrain, and geocoding. A demo key is provided, but to use them in your own apps you must sign up for a free ion Commmunity account.
    💥 Breaking Changes :mega:
    • ClippingPlaneCollection now uses ClippingPlane objects instead of Plane objects. #6498
    • Cesium no longer ships with a demo Bing Maps API key.
    • 0️⃣ BingMapsImageryProvider is no longer the default base imagery layer. (Bing imagery itself is still the default, however it is provided through Cesium ion)
    • 0️⃣ BingMapsGeocoderService is no longer the default geocoding service.
    • 0️⃣ If you wish to continue to use your own Bing API key for imagery and geocoding, you can go back to the old default behavior by constructing the Viewer as follows: javascript Cesium.BingMapsApi.defaultKey = 'yourBingKey'; var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', { imageryProvider : new Cesium.BingMapsImageryProvider({ url : '' }), geocoder : [ new Cesium.CartographicGeocoderService(), new Cesium.BingMapsGeocoderService() ] });
    Deprecated :hourglass_flowing_sand:
    • 🚚 Particle.size, ParticleSystem.rate, ParticleSystem.lifeTime,, ParticleSystem.minimumLife, and ParticleSystem.maximumLife have been renamed to Particle.imageSize, ParticleSystem.emissionRate, ParticleSystem.lifetime, ParticleSystem.particleLife, ParticleSystem.minimumParticleLife, and ParticleSystem.maximumParticleLife. Use of the size, rate, lifeTime, life, minimumLife, and maximumLife parameters is deprecated and will be removed in Cesium 1.46.
    • ⚡️ ParticleSystem.forces array has been switched out for singular function ParticleSystems.updateCallback. Use of the forces parameter is deprecated and will be removed in Cesium 1.46.
    • 🚚 Any width and height variables in ParticleSystem will no longer be individual components. ParticleSystem.minimumWidth and ParticleSystem.minimumHeight will now be ParticleSystem.minimumImageSize, ParticleSystem.maximumWidth and ParticleSystem.maximumHeight will now be ParticleSystem.maximumImageSize, and ParticleSystem.width and ParticleSystem.height will now be ParticleSystem.imageSize. Use of the minimumWidth, minimumHeight, maximumWidth, maximumHeight, width, and height parameters is deprecated and will be removed in Cesium 1.46.
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ➕ Added option logarithmicDepthBuffer to Scene. With this option there is typically a single frustum using logarithmic depth rendered. This increases performance by issuing less draw calls to the GPU and helps to avoid artifacts on the connection of two frustums. #5851
    • 0️⃣ When a log depth buffer is supported, the frustum near and far planes default to 0.1 and 1e10 respectively.
    • ➕ Added IonGeocoderService and made it the default geocoding service for the Geocoder widget.
    • ➕ Added createWorldImagery which provides Bing Maps imagery via a Cesium ion account.
    • ➕ Added PeliasGeocoderService, which provides geocoding via a Pelias server.
    • ➕ Added the ability for BaseLayerPicker to group layers by category. ProviderViewModel.category was also added to support this feature.
    • ➕ Added Math.log2 to compute the base 2 logarithm of a number.
    • ➕ Added GeocodeType enum and use it as an optional parameter to all GeocoderService instances to differentiate between autocomplete and search requests.
    • ➕ Added initWebAssemblyModule function to TaskProcessor to load a Web Assembly module in a web worker. #6420
    • ➕ Added supportsWebAssembly function to FeatureDetection to check if a browser supports loading Web Assembly modules. #6420
    • 👌 Improved MapboxImageryProvider performance by 300% via subdomain switching. #6426
    • ➕ Added ability to invoke sampleTerrain from node.js to enable offline terrain sampling
    • ➕ Added more ParticleSystem Sandcastle examples for rocket and comet tails and weather. #6375
    • ➕ Added color and scale attributes to the ParticleSystem class constructor. When defined the variables override startColor and endColor and startScale and endScale. #6429
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed bugs in TimeIntervalCollection.removeInterval. #6418.
    • 🛠 Fixed glTF support to handle meshes with and without tangent vectors, and with/without morph targets, sharing one material. #6421
    • 🛠 Fixed glTF support to handle skinned meshes when no skin is supplied. #6061
    • ⚡️ Updated glTF 2.0 PBR shader to have brighter lighting. #6430
    • 👍 Allow loadWithXhr to work with string URLs in a web worker.
    • ⚡️ Updated to Draco 1.3.0 and implemented faster loading of Draco compressed glTF assets in browsers that support Web Assembly. #6420
    • GroundPrimitives and ClassificationPrimitives will become ready when show is false. #6428
    • 🛠 Fix Firefox WebGL console warnings. #5912
    • 🛠 Fix parsing Cesium.js in older browsers that do not support all TypedArray types. #6396
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug causing crashes when setting colors on un-pickable models. $6442
    • 🛠 Fix flicker when adding, removing, or modifying entities. #3945
    • 🛠 Fixed crash bug in PolylineCollection when a polyline was updated and removed at the same time. #6455
    • 🛠 Fixed crash when animating a glTF model with a single keyframe. #6422
    • 🛠 Fixed Imagery Layers Texture Filters Sandcastle example. #6472.
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug causing Cesium 3D Tilesets to not clip properly when tiles were unloaded and reloaded. #6484
    • 🛠 Fixed TimeInterval so now it throws if fromIso8601 is given an ISO 8601 string with improper formatting. #6164
    • 👌 Improved rendering of glTF models that don't contain normals with a temporary unlit shader workaround. #6501
    • 🛠 Fixed rendering of glTF models with emissive-only materials. #6501
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug in shader modification for glTF 1.0 quantized attributes and Draco quantized attributes. #6523
  • v1.44 Changes

    April 02, 2018
    Highlights :sparkler:
    • ➕ Added a new Sandcastle label, New in X.X which will include all new Sandcastle demos added for the current release. #6384
    • Added support for glTF models with Draco geometry compression. #5120
    • ➕ Added support for ordering in DataSourceCollection. #6316
    💥 Breaking Changes :mega:
    • GeometryVisualizer now requires primitive and groundPrimitive parameters. #6316
    • 🚚 For all classes/functions that take a Resource instance, all additional parameters that are part of the Resource class have been removed. This generally includes proxy, headers and query parameters. #6368
    • 🚚 All low level load functions including loadArrayBuffer, loadBlob, loadImage, loadJson, loadJsonp, loadText, loadXML and loadWithXhr have been removed. Please use the equivalent fetch functions on the Resource class. #6368
    Deprecated :hourglass_flowing_sand:
    • 🚚 ClippingPlaneCollection is now supported in Internet Explorer, so ClippingPlaneCollection.isSupported has been deprecated and will be removed in Cesium 1.45.
    • 🚚 ClippingPlaneCollection should now be used with ClippingPlane objects instead of Plane. Use of Plane objects has been deprecated and will be removed in Cesium 1.45.
    • 🚚 Credit now takes an html and showOnScreen parameters instead of an options object. Use of the options parameter is deprecated and will be removed in Cesium 1.46.
    • 🚚 Credit.text, Credit.imageUrl and properties have all been deprecated and will be removed in Cesium 1.46. Use Credit.html to retrieve the credit content.
    • 🚚 Credit.hasImage and Credit.hasLink functions have been deprecated and will be removed in Cesium 1.46.
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ➕ Added a new Sandcastle label, New in X.X which will include all new Sandcastle demos added for the current release. #6384
    • Added support for glTF models with Draco geometry compression. #5120
      • Added dequantizeInShader option parameter to Model and Model.fromGltf to specify if Draco compressed glTF assets should be dequantized on the GPU.
    • ➕ Added support for ordering in DataSourceCollection. #6316
      • All ground geometry from one DataSource will render in front of all ground geometry from another DataSource in the same collection with a lower index.
      • Use DataSourceCollection.raise, DataSourceCollection.lower, DataSourceCollection.raiseToTop and DataSourceCollection.lowerToBottom functions to change the ordering of a DataSource in the collection.
    • ⚡️ ClippingPlaneCollection updates #6201:
      • Removed the 6-clipping-plane limit.
      • Added support for Internet Explorer.
      • Added a ClippingPlane object to be used with ClippingPlaneCollection.
      • Added 3D Tiles use-case to the Terrain Clipping Planes Sandcastle.
    • Credit has been modified to take an HTML string as the credit content. #6331
    • 🚚 Sharing Sandcastle examples now works by storing the full example directly in the URL instead of creating GitHub gists, because anonymous gist creation was removed by GitHub. Loading existing gists will still work. #6342
    • ⚡️ Updated WebMapServiceImageryProvider so it can take an srs or crs string to pass to the resource query parameters based on the WMS version. #6223
    • ➕ Added additional query parameter options to the CesiumViewer demo application #6328:
      • sourceType specifies the type of data source if the URL doesn't have a known file extension.
      • flyTo=false optionally disables the automatic flyTo after loading the data source.
    • ➕ Added a multi-part CZML example to Sandcastle. #6320
    • 👌 Improved processing order of 3D tiles. #6364
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed Cesium ion browser caching. #6353.
    • 🛠 Fixed formula for Weighted Blended Order-Independent Transparency. #6340
    • 🛠 Fixed support of glTF-supplied tangent vectors. #6302
    • 🛠 Fixed model loading failure when containing unused materials. 6315
    • 🛠 Fixed default value of alphaCutoff in glTF models. #6346
    • 🛠 Fixed double-sided flag for glTF materials with BLEND enabled. #6371
    • 🛠 Fixed animation for glTF models with missing animation targets. #6351
    • 🛠 Fixed improper zoom during model load failure. #6305
    • 🛠 Fixed rendering vector tiles when using invertClassification. #6349
    • 🛠 Fixed occlusion when is false. #6374
    • 🛠 Fixed crash for entities with static geometry and time-dynamic attributes. #6377
    • 🛠 Fixed geometry tile rendering in IE. #6406
  • v1.43 Changes

    March 01, 2018
    Major Announcements :loudspeaker:
    • Say hello to Cesium ion
    • Cesium, the JavaScript library, is now officially renamed to CesiumJS (no code changes required)
    • 🗄 The STK World Terrain tileset is deprecated and will be available until September 1, 2018. Check out the new high-resolution Cesium World Terrain
    💥 Breaking Changes :mega:
    • ✂ Removed GeometryUpdater.perInstanceColorAppearanceType and GeometryUpdater.materialAppearanceType. #6239
    • GeometryVisualizer no longer uses a type parameter. #6239
    • GeometryVisualizer no longer displays polylines. Use PolylineVisualizer instead. #6239
    • 🔨 The experimental CesiumIon object has been completely refactored and renamed to Ion.
    Deprecated :hourglass_flowing_sand:
    • 🍱 The STK World Terrain, ArcticDEM, and PAMAP Terrain tilesets hosted on are deprecated and will be available until September 1, 2018. To continue using them, access them via Cesium ion
    • 🚚 In the Resource class, addQueryParameters and addTemplateValues have been deprecated and will be removed in Cesium 1.45. Please use setQueryParameters and setTemplateValues instead.
    ➕ Additions :tada:
    • ➕ Added new Ion, IonResource, and IonImageryProvider objects for loading data hosted on Cesium ion.
    • ➕ Added createWorldTerrain helper function for easily constructing the new Cesium World Terrain.
    • ➕ Added support for a promise to a resource for CesiumTerrainProvider, createTileMapServiceImageryProvider and Cesium3DTileset #6204
    • ➕ Added Cesium.Math.cbrt. #6222
    • ➕ Added PolylineVisualizer for displaying polyline entities #6239
    • Resource class #6205
      • Added put, patch, delete, options and head methods, so it can be used for all XHR requests.
      • Added preserveQueryParameters parameter to getDerivedResource, to allow us to append query parameters instead of always replacing them.
      • Added setQueryParameters and appendQueryParameters to allow for better handling of query strings.
    • Enable terrain in the CesiumViewer demo application #6198
    • ➕ Added Globe.tilesLoaded getter property to determine if all terrain and imagery is loaded. #6194
    • ➕ Added classificationType property to entities which specifies whether an entity on the ground, like a polygon or rectangle, should be clamped to terrain, 3D Tiles, or both. #6195
    🛠 Fixes :wrench:
    • 🛠 Fixed bug where KmlDataSource did not use Ellipsoid to convert coordinates. Use options.ellipsoid to pass the ellipsoid to KmlDataSource constructors / loaders. #6176
    • 🛠 Fixed bug where 3D Tiles Point Clouds would fail in Internet Explorer. #6220
    • Fixed issue where CESIUM_BASE_URL wouldn't work without a trailing /. #6225
    • 🛠 Fixed coloring for polyline entities with a dynamic color for the depth fail material #6245
    • 🛠 Fixed bug with zooming to dynamic geometry. #6269
    • 🛠 Fixed bug where AxisAlignedBoundingBox did not copy over center value when cloning an undefined result. #6183
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where imagery stops loading when changing terrain in request render mode. #6193
    • 🛠 Fixed Resource.fetch when called with no arguments #6206
    • 🛠 Fixed Resource.clone to clone the Request object, so resource can be used in parallel. #6208
    • 🛠 Fixed Material so it can now take a Resource object as an image. #6199
    • 🛠 Fixed an issue causing the Bing Maps key to be sent unnecessarily with every tile request. #6250
    • 🛠 Fixed documentation issue for the Cesium.Math class. #6233
    • 🛠 Fixed rendering 3D Tiles as classification volumes. #6295