

KeyboardJS is a library for use in the browser (node.js compatible). It Allows developers to easily setup key bindings. Use key combos to setup complex bindings. KeyboardJS also provides contexts. Contexts are great for single page applications. They allow you to scope your bindings to various parts of your application. Out of the box keyboardJS uses a US keyboard locale. If you need support for a different type of keyboard KeyboardJS provides custom locale support so you can create with a locale that better matches your needs.

KeyboardJS is available as a NPM module for use with browserify (or in node.js). If you don't use browserify you can simply include keyboard.js or keyboard.min.js from the dist folder in this repo. These files are UMD wrapped so they can be used with or without a module loader such as requireJS.

Code Quality Rank: L3
Programming language: JavaScript
License: MIT License
Latest version: v2.6.2

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KeyboardJS is a library for use in the browser (node.js compatible). It Allows developers to easily setup key bindings. Use key combos to setup complex bindings. KeyboardJS also provides contexts. Contexts are great for single page applications. They allow you to scope your bindings to various parts of your application. Out of the box keyboardJS uses a US keyboard locale. If you need support for a different type of keyboard KeyboardJS provides custom locale support so you can create with a locale that better matches your needs.

KeyboardJS is available as a NPM module. If you're not using a build system like webpack, simply add keyboard.js or keyboard.min.js from the dist folder in this repo to your project via a script tag.

npm install keyboardjs

Note that all key names can be found in ./locales/us.js.

Setting up bindings is easy

keyboardJS.bind('a', (e) => {
  console.log('a is pressed');
keyboardJS.bind('a + b', (e) => {
  console.log('a and b is pressed');
keyboardJS.bind('a + b > c', (e) => {
  console.log('a and b then c is pressed');
keyboardJS.bind(['a + b > c', 'z + y > z'], (e) => {
  console.log('a and b then c or z and y then z is pressed');
keyboardJS.bind('', (e) => {
  console.log('any key was pressed');
//alt, shift, ctrl, etc must be lowercase
keyboardJS.bind('alt + shift > a', (e) => {
  console.log('alt, shift and a is pressed');

// keyboardJS.bind === keyboardJS.on === keyboardJS.addListener

keydown vs a keyup

keyboardJS.bind('a', (e) => {
  console.log('a is pressed');
}, (e) => {
  console.log('a is released');
keyboardJS.bind('a', null, (e) => {
  console.log('a is released');

Prevent keydown repeat

keyboardJS.bind('a', (e) => {
  // this will run once even if a is held
  console.log('a is pressed');

Unbind things

keyboardJS.unbind('a', previouslyBoundHandler);
// keyboardJS.unbind === keyboardJS.off === keyboardJS.removeListener

Using contexts

  // these will execute in all contexts
  keyboardJS.bind('a', (e) => {});
  keyboardJS.bind('b', (e) => {});
  keyboardJS.bind('c', (e) => {});

  // these will execute in the index context
  keyboardJS.bind('1', (e) => {});
  keyboardJS.bind('2', (e) => {});
  keyboardJS.bind('3', (e) => {});

  // these will execute in the foo context
  keyboardJS.bind('x', (e) => {});
  keyboardJS.bind('y', (e) => {});
  keyboardJS.bind('z', (e) => {});

  // if we have a router we can activate these contexts when appropriate
  myRouter.on('/', (e) => {
  myRouter.on('/foo', (e) => {

  // you can always figure out your context too
  const contextName = keyboardJS.getContext();

  // you can also set up handlers for a context without losing the current context
  keyboardJS.withContext('bar', ()  =>{
    // these will execute in the bar context
    keyboardJS.bind('7', (e) => {});
    keyboardJS.bind('8', (e) => {});
    keyboardJS.bind('9', (e) => {});

pause, resume, and reset

// the keyboard will no longer trigger bindings

// the keyboard will once again trigger bindings

// all active bindings will released and unbound,
// pressed keys will be cleared

pressKey, releaseKey, and releaseAllKeys

// pressKey
// or

// releaseKey
// or

// releaseAllKeys

watch and stop

// bind to the window and document in the current window

// or pass your own window and document
keyboardJS.watch(myWin, myDoc);

// or scope to a specific element
keyboardJS.watch(myWin, myForm);

// detach KeyboardJS from the window and document/element

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the KeyboardJS README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.