Reactjs libraries

Showing projects tagged as Reactjs

  • MobX

    9.3 8.0 L4 TypeScript
    Simple, scalable state management.
  • recharts

    9.0 9.7 L3 TypeScript
    Redefined chart library built with React and D3
  • Enzyme

    8.9 6.7 L4 JavaScript
    JavaScript Testing utilities for React
  • inferno

    8.6 8.4 L2 JavaScript
    :fire: An extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces
  • React Intl

    8.4 9.2 L4 TypeScript
    The monorepo home to all of the FormatJS related libraries, most notably react-intl.
  • react-vis

    8.4 2.9 JavaScript
    Data Visualization Components
  • ag-Grid

    8.3 10.0 TypeScript
    The best JavaScript Data Table for building Enterprise Applications. Supports React / Angular / Vue / Plain JavaScript.
  • react-i18next

    7.4 8.9 JavaScript
    Internationalization for react done right. Using the i18next i18n ecosystem.
  • MUI X

    6.2 9.9 TypeScript
    MUI X is a collection of advanced React UI components for complex use cases. Use the native integration with Material UI or extend your design system. They feature state-of-the-art functionality and complex UX workflows for data-rich applications and support a wide range of use cases. MUI X is open core—base components are MIT-licensed, while more advanced features require a Pro or Premium commercial license. Components: - Data Grid - Date and Time Pickers - Charts - Tree View
  • React Konva

    6.2 6.0 L4 TypeScript
    React + Canvas = Love. JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using React.
  • jsLingui

    5.8 8.8 TypeScript
    🌍 📖 A readable, automated, and optimized (3 kb) internationalization for JavaScript
  • Neutrino

    5.6 0.0 JavaScript
    Create and build modern JavaScript projects with zero initial configuration.
  • react-simple-maps

    5.3 0.0 JavaScript
    Beautiful React SVG maps with d3-geo and topojson using a declarative api.
  • video-react

    5.1 5.2 L4 JavaScript
    A web video player built for the HTML5 world using React library.
  • React PWA

    5.0 5.8 TypeScript
    An upgradable boilerplate for Progressive web applications (PWA) with server side rendering, build with SEO in mind and achieving max page speed and optimized user experience.
  • React Notification System

    4.8 0.0 JavaScript
    A complete and totally customizable component for notifications in React
  • React PDF viewer

    4.5 9.1 TypeScript
    A React component to view a PDF document
  • Mobiledoc Kit

    4.0 0.0 JavaScript
    A toolkit for building WYSIWYG editors with Mobiledoc
  • Refract

    3.1 0.0 TypeScript
    Harness the power of reactive programming to supercharge your components
  • redux-beacon

    3.0 0.0 TypeScript
    Analytics integration for Redux and ngrx/store
  • SapphireDb

    2.5 0.0 C#
    SapphireDb Server, a self-hosted, easy to use realtime database for Asp.Net Core and EF Core
  • victory-chart

    2.5 0.0 JavaScript
    Chart Component for Victory
  • react-websocket

    2.5 0.0 JavaScript
    Easy-to-use React component for websocket communications.
  • Vulcan Next

    2.3 0.0 TypeScript
    The Next starter for GraphQL developers
  • 🦞 Modali

    1.8 0.0 JavaScript
    A delightful modal dialog component for React, built from the ground up to support React Hooks.
  • Hatchify

    1.4 9.9 TypeScript
    JavaScript open source CRUD app generator turns schemas into an app quickly, while allowing customization later.
  • React Chat UI

    1.1 9.0 TypeScript
    Build your own chat UI with React Chat UI components in a few minutes. React Chat UI Kit from is an open source UI toolkit for developing web chat applications.
  • formhero

    0.8 5.1 TypeScript
    Fully customisable React form utility
  • jsplumbtoolkit-applications

    0.7 9.4 JavaScript
    Starter applications and feature demonstrations built with the jsPlumb Toolkit
  • react-component-widget

    0.5 0.0 JavaScript
    Component for resizing and repositioning charts, parsing transferred data when working with Recharts library.