

Lightweight spaced repetition-based learning site. With text formatting. With images and gifs. Accessible. Free forever, open-source.

Programming language: JavaScript
License: MIT License
Tags: Frameworks     Editors     ES6     JavaScript     React    

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Flashcards for coders and scientists. Open-source, free for all.


Website: memcode.com
Patreon: patreon.com/memcode
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: twitter.com/memcodeapp
Alternative.to: alternativeto.net/software/memcode/about


First of all - you are very welcome to contribute, Memcode is a joint effort.
Feel free to ask questions/propose features in github issues, or join our developer Slack (please write to [email protected] to request access).

Note: if you'd like to use online development environment, try Gitpod.md (might need some adjustments). The steps below are for the local setup.

Create a database postgres user with a password.

  1. Install PostgreSQL.
  2. Go to postgres console: psql postgres.
  3. Create a postgres user with password: CREATE ROLE postgres WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'postgres';.
  4. Give the user a permission to create dbs, own all extensions, etc.: ALTER ROLE postgres with superuser;.

Copypaste environment variables.

  1. Either copy the example environment file with cp env.example.js env.js, and insert the required values yourself,
  2. Or write to [email protected] and I will send you a ready env.js file. In either case, you will need to insert your own DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD that you created in the previous step.

Install the needed libraries.

  1. Install npm.
  2. Run npm install

Set up the database.

  1. Create a new development database 'memcode': make db-reset. This will create the raw database for you - schema, a few necessary database rows, and nothing else. If you would like a bigger database to have something to work with, please write to [email protected], and I will create a development dump for you.

Start code compilers and server.

  1. Run make all in your terminal. This will start:
  2. make backend-webpack (compiles the backend code on every change)
  3. make frontend-webpack (compiles the frontend code on every change)
  4. make start (starts the node server) for you.
    You can also run these separately if you wish to see the individual output.
  5. Go to http://localhost:3000, and enjoy the development!

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Memcode README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.