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Avg Release Cycle
111 days
Latest Release
2970 days ago

Changelog History
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  • v1.3.0 Changes

    May 13, 2013
    • ✂ Removed dependencies on Underscore and Backbone.
    • ➕ Add src/js/shim.js which includes cutdown versions of some Underscore functions and Backbone's event handling. It is included automatically in messenger.js and messenger.min.js. This file can be safely excluded in environments with Backbone and Underscore, but support for that is not yet in the build system.
    • ➕ Add src/js/preboot.js which needs to be included before the main messenger file. It is included automatically in messenger.js and messenger.min.js.
  • v1.2.3 Changes

    • Internal references to Messenger will now function correctly when the Messenger object has been noConflicted.
  • v1.2.2 Changes

    • ⚡️ Message strings (as opposed to full objects) can now be passed into message.update.
  • v1.2.1 Changes

    • ➕ Added ajax alias for run with $.ajax as the action. This is essentially identical to the default behavior, but is useful to those who wish to be more explicit.
    • message.retry.allow can now be set to an integer representing the number of retries to be permitted.
    • message.retry.delay now works as expected with non-integer delays.
    • 🛠 Bugfixes surrounding how do/run retries things.
  • v1.2.0 Changes

    • ➕ Added global Messenger object which can be removed with Messenger.noConflict(). The Messenger object will provide a container other than the jQuery object for messenger externals.
    • Messenger may also be called to provide the same functionality as $.globalMessenger.
    • 0️⃣ Messenger default options may now be set on window.Messenger.options as well as $._messengerDefaults.
    • The current instance of ActionMessenger which will be used by Messenger()/$.globalMessenger calls is now accessable as window.Messenger.instance, not $._messengerInstance.
    • ➕ Added run alias for do. This change makes it easier for developers writing js. In JavaScript, do, being a reserved word, always had to be referenced using array notation, this provides a way around that limitation.
    • Created common way for themes to define extra JavaScript. Themes can now define their own Messenger and/or Message objects in the window.Messenger.themes.<theme_name> object. If the theme name is provided in the options to globalMessenger as options.theme, the defined classes will be used. As the theme now has to be passed in as a seperate option, the messenger-theme-x class will now be automatically added, and does not need to be provided in extraClasses.
    • MagicMessage has been renamed RetryingMessage.
    • The base classes Message and Messenger have been renamed _Message and _Messenger to signify that they are only for the internal structuring of the code, and not expected to be used directly.
    • Messenger now exposes ActionMessenger (as Messenger) and RetryingMessage (as Message) for use by themes which wish to extend them.