meteor v1.3.3 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-06-10 // almost 8 years ago
    • ⬆️ Node has been upgraded from 0.10.43 to 0.10.45.

    • ⬆️ npm has been upgraded from 2.14.22 to 2.15.1.

    • ⬆️ The fibers package has been upgraded to 1.0.13.

    • ⬆️ The meteor-babel package has been upgraded to 0.10.9.

    • ⬆️ The meteor-promise package has been upgraded to 0.7.1, a breaking change for code that uses Promise.denodeify, Promise.nodeify, Function.prototype.async, or Function.prototype.asyncApply, since those APIs have been removed.

    • 📦 Meteor packages with binary npm dependencies are now automatically rebuilt using npm rebuild whenever the version of Node or V8 changes, making it much simpler to use Meteor with different versions of Node. 5dc51d39ecc9e8e342884f3b4f8a489f734b4352

    • 🏗 *.min.js files are no longer minified during the build process. PR #6986 Issue #5363

    • You can now pick where the .meteor/local directory is created by setting the METEOR_LOCAL_DIR environment variable. This lets you run multiple instances of the same Meteor app. PR #6760 Issue #6532

    • 👍 Allow using authType in Facebook login PR #5694

    • ➕ Adds flush() method to Tracker to force recomputation PR #4710

    • ➕ Adds defineMutationMethods option (default: true) to new Mongo.Collection to override default behavior that sets up mutation methods (/collection/[insert|update...]) PR #5778

    • Allow overridding the default warehouse url by specifying METEOR_WAREHOUSE_URLBASE PR #7054

    • 👍 Allow _id in $setOnInsert in Minimongo:

    • ➕ Added support for $eq to Minimongo:

    • 0️⃣ Insert a Date header into emails by default:

    • meteor test now supports setting the bind address using --port IP:PORT the same as meteor run PR #6964 Issue #6961

    • Meteor.apply now takes a noRetry option to opt-out of automatically retrying non-idempotent methods on connection blips: PR #6180

    • 🔧 DDP callbacks are now batched on the client side. This means that after a DDP message arrives, the local DDP client will batch changes for a minimum of 5ms (configurable via bufferedWritesInterval) and a maximum of 500ms (configurable via bufferedWritesMaxAge) before calling any callbacks (such as cursor observe callbacks).

    • PhantomJS is no longer included in the Meteor dev bundle (#6905). If you previously relied on PhantomJS for local testing, the spiderable package, Velocity tests, or testing Meteor from a checkout, you should now install PhantomJS yourself, by running the following commmand: meteor npm install -g phantomjs-prebuilt

    • 📦 The babel-compiler package now looks for .babelrc files and package.json files with a "babel" section. If found, these files may contribute additional Babel transforms that run before the usual babel-preset-meteor set of transforms. In other words, if you don't like the way babel-preset-meteor handles a particular kind of syntax, you can add your preferred transform plugins to the "presets" or "plugins" section of your .babelrc or package.json file. #6351

    • 📦 When BabelCompiler cannot resolve a Babel plugin or preset package in .babelrc or package.json, it now merely warns instead of crashing. #7179

    • 📦 Compiler plugins can now import npm packages that are visible to their input files using inputFile.require(id). b16e8d50194b37d3511889b316345f31d689b020

    • import statements in application modules now declare normal variables for the symbols that are imported, making it significantly easier to inspect imported variables when debugging in the browser console or in meteor shell.

    • import statements in application modules are no longer restricted to the top level, and may now appear inside conditional statements (e.g. if (Meteor.isServer) { import ... }) or in nested scopes.

    • import statements now work as expected in meteor shell. #6271

    • Commands installed in dev_bundle/lib/node_modules/.bin (such as node-gyp and node-pre-gyp) are now available to scripts run by meteor npm. e95dfe410e1b43e8131bc2df9d2c29decdd1eaf6

    • 🏗 When building an application using meteor build, "devDependencies" listed in package.json are no longer copied into the bundle. #6750

    • 📦 Packages tested with meteor test-packages now have access to local node_modules directories installed in the parent application or in the package directory itself. #6827

    • 🚀 You no longer need to specify to run meteor deploy (and similar commands) against Galaxy. The AWS us-east-1 Galaxy is now the default for DEPLOY_HOSTNAME. If your app's DNS points to another Galaxy region, meteor deploy will detect that automatically as well. #7055

    • 🔌 The coffeescript plugin now passes raw JavaScript code enclosed by back-ticks to BabelCompiler, enabling all ECMAScript features (including import and export) within CoffeeScript. #6000 #6691

    • 📦 The coffeescript package now implies the same runtime environment as ecmascript (ecmascript-runtime, babel-runtime, and promise, but not modules). #7184

    • 📦 When Meteor packages install npm dependencies, the process.env.NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY environment variable is now respected. #7162

    • 🔀 files.rename now always executes synchronously. 9856d1d418a4d19c0adf22ec9a92f7ce81a23b05

    • "Bare" files contained by client/compatibility/ directories or added with api.addFiles(path, ..., { bare: true }) are no longer compiled by Babel.

    • 🛠 Miscellaneous fixed bugs: #6877 #6843 #6881