meteor v1.5.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-07-12 // almost 7 years ago
    • ⬆️ Node has been upgraded to version 4.8.4.

    • 📦 A new core Meteor package called server-render provides generic support for server-side rendering of HTML, as described in the package's PR #8841

    • To reduce the total number of file descriptors held open by the Meteor build system, native file watchers will now be started only for files that have changed at least once. This new policy means you may have to wait up to 5000ms for changes to be detected when you first edit a file, but thereafter changes will be detected instantaneously. In return for that small initial waiting time, the number of open file descriptors will now be bounded roughly by the number of files you are actively editing, rather than the number of files involved in the build (often thousands), which should help with issues like #8648. If you need to disable the new behavior for any reason, simply set the METEOR_WATCH_PRIORITIZE_CHANGED environment variable to "false", as explained in PR #8866.

    • All observe and observeChanges callbacks are now bound using Meteor.bindEnvironment. The same EnvironmentVariables that were present when observe or observeChanges was called are now available inside the callbacks. PR #8734

    • A subscription's onReady is now fired again during a re-subscription, even if the subscription has the same arguments. Previously, when subscribing to a publication the onReady would have only been called if the arguments were different, creating a confusing difference in functionality. This may be breaking behavior if an app uses the firing of onReady as an assumption that the data was just received from the server. If such functionality is still necessary, consider using observe or observeChanges PR #8754 Issue #1173

    • 📦 The minimongo and mongo packages are now compliant with the upsert behavior of MongoDB 2.6 and higher. As a result support for MongoDB 2.4 has been dropped. This mainly changes the effect of the selector on newly inserted documents. PR #8815

    • 👍 reactive-dict now supports setting initial data when defining a named ReactiveDict. No longer run migration logic when used on the server, this is to prevent duplicate name error on reloads. Initial data is now properly serialized.

    • 0️⃣ accounts-password now uses as a default "from" address instead of This change could break account-related e-mail notifications (forgot password, activation, etc.) for applications which do not properly configure a "from" domain since e-mail providers will often reject mail sent from Ensure that Accounts.emailTemplates.from is set to a proper domain in all applications. PR #8760

    • ⚡️ The accounts-facebook and facebook-oauth packages have been updated to use the v2.9 of the Facebook Graph API for the Login Dialog since the v2.2 version will be deprecated by Facebook in July. There shouldn't be a problem regardless since Facebook simply rolls over to the next active version (v2.3, in this case) however this should assist in avoiding deprecation warnings and should enable any new functionality which has become available. PR #8858

    • Add DDP._CurrentPublicationInvocation and DDP._CurrentMethodInvocation. DDP._CurrentInvocation remains for backwards-compatibility. This change allows method calls from publications to inherit the connection from the the publication which called the method. PR #8629

    Note: If you're calling methods from publications that are using this.connection to see if the method was called from server code or not. These checks will now be more restrictive because this.connection will now be available when a method is called from a publication.

    • 🛠 Fix issue with publications temporarily having DDP._CurrentInvocation set on re-run after a user logged in. This is now provided through DDP._CurrentPublicationInvocation at all times inside a publication, as described above. PR #8031 PR #8629

    • Meteor.userId() and Meteor.user() can now be used in both method calls and publications. PR #8629

    • this.onStop callbacks in publications are now run with the publication's context and with its EnvironmentVariables bound. PR #8629

    • 📦 The minifier-js package will now replace process.env.NODE_ENV with its string value (or "development" if unspecified).

    • ⬆️ The meteor-babel npm package has been upgraded to version 0.22.0.

    • ⬆️ The reify npm package has been upgraded to version 0.11.24.

    • ⬆️ The uglify-js npm package has been upgraded to version 3.0.18.

    • 🏗 Illegal characters in paths written in build output directories will now be replaced with _s rather than removed, so that file and directory names consisting of only illegal characters do not become empty strings. PR #8765.

    • ➕ Additional "extra" packages (packages that aren't saved in .meteor/packages) can be included temporarily using the --extra-packages option. For example: meteor run --extra-packages bundle-visualizer. Both meteor test and meteor test-packages also support the --extra-packages option and commas separate multiple package names. PR #8769

    Note: Packages specified using the --extra-packages option override version constraints from .meteor/packages.

    • ⚡️ The coffeescript package has been updated to use CoffeeScript version 1.12.6. PR #8777

    • It's now possible to pipe a series of statements to meteor shell, whereas previously the input had to be an expression; for example:

      > echo 'import pkg from "babel-runtime/package.json";
      quote> pkg.version' |
      pipe> meteor shell

      Issue #8823 PR #8833

    • Any Error thrown by a DDP method with the error.isClientSafe property set to true will now be serialized and displayed to the client, whereas previously only Meteor.Error objects were considered client-safe. PR #8756