meteor v1.6 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-10-30 // over 6 years ago
    • 📦 Important note for package maintainers:

    With the jump to Node 8, some packages published using Meteor 1.6 may no longer be compatible with older Meteor versions. In order to maintain compatibility with Meteor 1.5 apps when publishing your package, you can specify a release version with the meteor publish command:

      meteor --release 1.5.3 publish

    If you're interested in taking advantage of Meteor 1.6 while still supporting older Meteor versions, you can consider publishing for Meteor 1.6 from a new branch, with your package's minor or major version bumped. You can then continue to publish for Meteor 1.5 from the original branch. Note that the 1.6 branch version bump is important so that you can continue publishing patch updates for Meteor 1.5 from the original branch.

    Issue #9308

    • ⬆️ Node.js has been upgraded to version 8.8.1, which will be entering long-term support (LTS) coverage on 31 October 2017, lasting through December 2019 (full schedule). This is a major upgrade from the previous version of Node.js used by Meteor, 4.8.4.

    • ⬆️ The npm npm package has been upgraded to version 5.4.2, a major upgrade from 4.6.1. While this update should be backwards-compatible for existing Meteor apps and packages, if you are the maintainer of any Meteor packages, pay close attention to your npm-shrinkwrap.json files when first using this version of npm. For normal Meteor application development, this upgrade primarily affects the version of npm used by meteor npm ... commands. A functional installation of git may be required to support GitHub repository and/or tarball URLs. Troubleshooting. PR #8835

    • In addition to meteor node and meteor npm, which are convenient shorthands for node and npm, meteor npx <command> can be used to execute commands from a local node_modules/.bin directory or from the npm cache. Any packages necessary to run the command will be automatically downloaded. Read about it, or just try some commands:

      meteor npx cowsay mooooo
      meteor npx uuid
      meteor npx nyancat
      meteor npx yarn
    • The meteor debug command has been superseded by the more flexible --inspect and --inspect-brk command-line flags, which work for any run, test, or test-packages command.

    The syntax of these flags is the same as the equivalent Node.js flags, with two notable differences:

    • The flags affect the server process spawned by the build process, rather than affecting the build process itself.

    • The --inspect-brk flag causes the server process to pause just after server code has loaded but before it begins to execute, giving the developer a chance to set breakpoints in server code.

    Feature Request #194

    • 🏁 On Windows, Meteor can now be installed or reinstalled from scratch using the command choco install meteor, using the Chocolatey package manager. This method of installation replaces the old InstallMeteor.exe installer, which had a number of shortcomings, and will no longer be supported.

    • 🏁 Fresh installs of Meteor 1.6 on 64-bit Windows machines will now use native 64-bit Node.js binaries, rather than a 32-bit version of Node.js. In addition to being faster, native 64-bit support will enable Windows developers to debug asynchronous stack traces more easily in the new Node.js inspector, which is only fully supported by native 64-bit architectures. Note that merely running meteor update from a 32-bit version of Meteor will still install a 32-bit version of Meteor 1.6, so you should use choco install meteor to get a fresh 64-bit version. PR #9218

    • 👍 To support developers running on a 32-bit OS, Meteor now supports both 32- and 64-bit versions of Mongo. Mongo 3.2 is the last 32-bit version available from Mongo. Meteor running on a 32-bit OS will use a 32-bit version of Mongo 3.2 and 64-bit platforms will receive newer Mongo versions in future releases. PR #9173

    • After several reliability improvements, native file watching has been un-disabled on Windows. Though native file change notifications will probably never work with network or shared virtual file systems (e.g., NTFS or Vagrant-mounted disks), Meteor uses an efficient prioritized polling system as a fallback for those file systems.

    • Various optimizations have reduced the on-disk size of the meteor-tool package from 545MB ( to 219MB.

    • ⬆️ The meteor-babel package has been upgraded to version 0.24.6, to take better advantage of native language features in Node 8.

    • ⬆️ The reify npm package has been upgraded to version 0.12.3.

    • ⬆️ The meteor-promise package has been upgraded to version 0.8.6, to enable better handling of UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarnings.

    • ⬆️ The node-gyp npm package has been upgraded to version 3.6.2.

    • ⚡️ The node-pre-gyp npm package has been updated to version 0.6.36.

    • ⬆️ The fibers npm package has been upgraded to version 2.0.0.

    • ⬆️ The pathwatcher npm package has been upgraded to version 7.1.0.

    • ⬆️ The http-proxy npm package has been upgraded to version 1.16.2.

    • ⬆️ The semver npm package has been upgraded to version 5.4.1.

    • ✅ When running Meteor tool tests (i.e. ./meteor self-test) during the course of developing Meteor itself, it is no longer necessary to ./meteor npm install -g phantomjs-prebuilt browserstack-webdriver. These will now be installed automatically upon their use.

    • 📦 You can now run meteor test --driver-package user:package without first running meteor add user:package.

    • ⚡️ iOS icons and launch screens have been updated to support iOS 11 Issue #9196 PR #9198