
Code Quality Rank: L4
Programming language: JavaScript
License: MIT License
Tags: Network     Machine Learning     learning     neural     nn     mind     neuron     sigmoid     neural network    
Latest version: v1.0.1

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A flexible neural network library for Node.js and the browser. Check out a live demo of a movie recommendation engine built with Mind.


  • Vectorized - uses a matrix implementation to process training data
  • Configurable - allows you to customize the network topology
  • Pluggable - download/upload minds that have already learned


$ yarn add node-mind


const Mind = require('node-mind');

 * Letters.
 * - Imagine these # and . represent black and white pixels.

const a = character(
  '.#####.' +
  '#.....#' +
  '#.....#' +
  '#######' +
  '#.....#' +
  '#.....#' +

const b = character(
  '######.' +
  '#.....#' +
  '#.....#' +
  '######.' +
  '#.....#' +
  '#.....#' +

const c = character(
  '#######' +
  '#......' +
  '#......' +
  '#......' +
  '#......' +
  '#......' +

 * Learn the letters A through C.

const mind = new Mind({ activator: 'sigmoid' })
    { input: a, output: map('a') },
    { input: b, output: map('b') },
    { input: c, output: map('c') }

 * Predict the letter C, even with a pixel off.

const result = mind.predict(character(
  '#######' +
  '#......' +
  '#......' +
  '#......' +
  '#......' +
  '##.....' +

console.log(result) // ~ 0.5

 * Turn the # into 1s and . into 0s.

function character(string) {
  return string

  function integer(symbol) {
    if ('#' === symbol) return 1
    if ('.' === symbol) return 0

 * Map letter to a number.

function map(letter) {
  if (letter === 'a') return [ 0.1 ]
  if (letter === 'b') return [ 0.3 ]
  if (letter === 'c') return [ 0.5 ]
  return 0


Use plugins created by the Mind community to configure pre-trained networks that can go straight to making predictions.

Here's a cool example of the way you could use a hypothetical mind-ocr plugin:

const Mind = require('node-mind')
const ocr = require('mind-ocr')

const mind = Mind()
    '.#####.' +
    '#.....#' +
    '#.....#' +
    '#######' +
    '#.....#' +
    '#.....#' +

To create a plugin, simply call download on your trained mind:

const Mind = require('node-mind')

const mind = Mind()
    { input: [0, 0], output: [ 0 ] },
    { input: [0, 1], output: [ 1 ] },
    { input: [1, 0], output: [ 1 ] },
    { input: [1, 1], output: [ 0 ] }

const xor = mind.download()

Here's a list of available plugins:



Create a new instance of Mind that can learn to make predictions.

The available options are:

  • activator: the activation function to use, sigmoid or htan
  • learningRate: the speed at which the network will learn
  • hiddenUnits: the number of units in the hidden layer/s
  • iterations: the number of iterations to run
  • hiddenLayers: the number of hidden layers

Learn from training data:

  { input: [0, 0], output: [ 0 ] },
  { input: [0, 1], output: [ 1 ] },
  { input: [1, 0], output: [ 1 ] },
  { input: [1, 1], output: [ 0 ] }

Make a prediction:

mind.predict([0, 1])

Download a mind:

const xor = mind.download()

Upload a mind:


Listen for the 'data' event, which is fired with each iteration:

mind.on('data', (iteration, errors, results) => {
  // ...

Releasing / Publishing

CircleCI will handle publishing to npm. To cut a new release, just do:

$ git changelog --tag <version>
$ vim package.json # enter <version>
$ git release <version>

Where <version> follows the semver spec.


If you're interested in learning more, I wrote a blog post on how to build your own neural network:

Also, here are some fantastic libraries you can check out:



stevenmiller888.github.io  ·  GitHub @stevenmiller888  ·  Twitter @stevenmiller888

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Mind.js README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.