

MonsterJS is a JavaScript framework for building web applications. It is based on web components which is good for encapsulating components and building micro frontend apps. This framework is not using virtual DOM, instead it will create a watcher for each binding and update it only when necessary. This feature is what makes it fast and have a good client run-time performance and memory efficient for large applications.

Official docs https://monster-js.org .

Programming language: TypeScript
License: MIT License

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What is MonsterJS?

MonsterJS is a javascript framework for building web applications. This framework is based on web components which is good for encapsulating components and building micro frontend apps. This framework is not using virtual dom, instead it will attache a watcher to a bindings and update it only when necessary. This feature is what makes it fast and have a better client run-time performance and memory efficient than virtual dom.

Official docs https://monster-js.github.io/docs-v1/ .

Create app

Clone the starter app from GitHub.

git clone https://github.com/monster-js/starter-app.git monster-app

After cloning the repository, change directory into the starter project

cd monster-app

then install the dependencies

npm install

Start the local development server by running the following command:

npm start

Now we can view our app by pointing our browsers to http://localhost:4000