All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
68 days
Latest Release
1435 days ago
Changelog History
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Changelog History
Page 3
v1.0.0 Changes
February 27, 2017- ๐ new: options to set the size of images and thumbnails
- ๐ new: options to set EXIF properties with javascript
- ๐ new: API option 'refresh' to display again the current gallery
- ๐ new: API option 'instance' to get the reference of the gallery instance
- ๐ new: API option 'search', display thumbnails with title containing the search string
- ๐ new: callbacks 'fnGalleryRenderStart', 'fnGalleryRenderEnd', 'fnGalleryObjectModelBuilt', 'fnGalleryLayoutApplied'
- ๐ changed: default thumbnail toolbar for albums - thumbnailToolbarAlbum : { topLeft: 'select', topRight : 'counter' }
- ๐ changed: default thumbnail toolbar for imgae - thumbnailToolbarImage : { topLeft: 'select', topRight : 'featured' }
- ๐ changed: default value of 'thumbnailDisplayInterval' from 30 to 15
- โจ enhanced: high DPI screen, like Retina, support for self hosted content when image size defined
- ๐ fixed: misc issues with kind 'google2'
- ๐ fixed: zoom image in/out for self hosted content
v0.9.3 Changes
February 18, 2017- ๐ fixed: incorrect image size with Flickr storage
- ๐ fixed: double tap fired on zoom-in/out icons
- ๐ fixed: image next/previous scrolled 2 images on iPhone
- ๐ fixed: incorrect image display
- ๐ fixed: error on Google Photos albums with more then 1000 photos
- ๐ fixed: Google Photos data added after february 9, 2017 not accessible (module nanogp:
- ๐ improved: image zoom management
v0.9.2 Changes
January 26, 2017- ๐ new option 'thumbnailOpenOriginal' : display the original image (for example in Flickr or Google Photos), without opening the lightbox
- some icons replaced
- minor changes in the lightbox layout
- ๐ new value for 'thumbnailToolbarImage': 'info'
- โ added support of Android stock browser
- ๐ minor bugfixes
v0.9.2.a Changes
January 31, 2017- ๐ fixed: infobox not displayed in lightbox
- ๐ fixed: incorrect thumbnail height/widths calc for google (thanks to alexanderhowell -
- ๐ fixed: incorrect min-width in CSS