notie alternatives and similar libraries
Based on the "Notifications" category.
Alternatively, view notie alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations. -
DISCONTINUED. โ๏ธ DEPRECATED - Dependency-free notification library that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog. -
Simple colorful animated notifications with JQuery. It never has been easier to create a notification. -
๐ Butterup
๐ Effortlessly configurable and delightfully lightweight, butterup ensures that your site's notifications are as smooth as butter - without the need for complex dependencies. โจ
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
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notie is a clean and simple notification, input, and selection suite for javascript, with no dependencies
Live demo:
With notie you can:
- Alert users
- Confirm user choices
- Allow users to input information
- Allow users to select choices
- Allow users to select dates
- Pure JavaScript, no dependencies, written in ES6
- Easily customizable
- Change colors to match your style/brand
- Modify styling with the sass file (notie.scss) or overwrite the CSS
- Font size auto-adjusts based on screen size
Browser Support
- IE 10+
- Chrome 11+
- Firefox 4+
- Safari 5.1+
- Opera 11.5+
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
/* override styles here */
.notie-container {
box-shadow: none;
<!-- Bottom of body -->
<script src=""></script>
npm install notie
import notie from 'notie'
// or
import { alert, force, confirm, input, select, date, setOptions, hideAlerts } from 'notie'
// or
Available methods:
type: Number|String, // optional, default = 4, enum: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'success', 'warning', 'error', 'info', 'neutral']
text: String,
stay: Boolean, // optional, default = false
time: Number, // optional, default = 3, minimum = 1,
position: String // optional, default = 'top', enum: ['top', 'bottom']
type: Number|String, // optional, default = 5, enum: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'success', 'warning', 'error', 'info', 'neutral']
text: String,
buttonText: String, // optional, default = 'OK'
position: String, // optional, default = 'top', enum: ['top', 'bottom']
callback: Function // optional
}, callbackOptional())
text: String,
submitText: String, // optional, default = 'Yes'
cancelText: String, // optional, default = 'Cancel'
position: String, // optional, default = 'top', enum: ['top', 'bottom']
submitCallback: Function, // optional
cancelCallback: Function // optional
}, submitCallbackOptional(), cancelCallbackOptional())
text: String,
submitText: String, // optional, default = 'Submit'
cancelText: String, // optional, default = 'Cancel'
position: String, // optional, default = 'top', enum: ['top', 'bottom']
submitCallback: Function(value), // optional
cancelCallback: Function(value), // optional
autocapitalize: 'words', // default: 'none'
autocomplete: 'on', // default: 'off'
autocorrect: 'off', // default: 'off'
autofocus: 'true', // default: 'true'
inputmode: 'latin', // default: 'verbatim'
max: '10000',// default: ''
maxlength: '10', // default: ''
min: '5', // default: ''
minlength: '1', // default: ''
placeholder: 'Jane Smith', // default: ''
value: String, // default: ''
spellcheck: 'false', // default: 'default'
step: '5', // default: 'any'
type: 'text', // default: 'text'
allowed: ['an', 's'] // Default: null, 'an' = alphanumeric, 'a' = alpha, 'n' = numeric, 's' = spaces allowed. Can be custom RegExp, ex. allowed: new RegExp('[^0-9]', 'g')
}, submitCallbackOptional(value), cancelCallbackOptional(value)){
text: String,
cancelText: String, // optional, default = 'Cancel'
position: String, // optional, default = 'bottom', enum: ['top', 'bottom']
choices: [
type: Number|String, // optional, default = 1
text: String,
handler: Function
cancelCallback: Function // optional
}, cancelCallbackOptional()){
value: Date,
submitText: String, // optional, default = 'OK'
cancelText: String, // optional, default = 'Cancel'
position: String, // optional, default = 'top', enum: ['top', 'bottom']
submitCallback: Function(date), // optional
cancelCallback: Function(date) // optional
}, submitCallbackOptional(date), cancelCallbackOptional(date))
For example:
notie.alert({ text: 'Info!' })
notie.alert({ type: 1, text: 'Success!', stay: true }) // Never hides unless clicked, or escape or enter is pressed
notie.alert({ type: 'success', text: 'Success!', time: 2 }) // Hides after 2 seconds
notie.alert({ type: 2, text: 'Warning<br><b>with</b><br><i>HTML</i><br><u>included.</u>' })
notie.alert({ type: 'warning', text: 'Watch it...' })
notie.alert({ type: 3, text: 'Error.', position: 'bottom' })
notie.alert({ type: 'error', text: 'Oops!' })
notie.alert({ type: 4, text: 'Information.' })
notie.alert({ type: 'info', text: 'FYI, blah blah blah.' })
type: 3,
text: 'You cannot do that, sending you back.',
buttonText: 'OK',
callback: function () {
notie.alert({ type: 3, text: 'Maybe when you\'re older...' })
text: 'Are you sure you want to do that?<br><b>That\'s a bold move...</b>',
cancelCallback: function () {
notie.alert({ type: 3, text: 'Aw, why not? :(', time: 2 })
submitCallback: function () {
notie.alert({ type: 1, text: 'Good choice! :D', time: 2 })
notie.confirm({ text: 'Are you sure?' }, function() {
notie.confirm({ text: 'Are you <b>really</b> sure?' }, function() {
notie.confirm({ text: 'Are you <b>really</b> <i>really</i> sure?' }, function() {
notie.alert({ text: 'Okay, jeez...' })
text: 'Please enter your email:',
submitText: 'Submit',
cancelText: 'Cancel',
cancelCallback: function (value) {
notie.alert({ type: 3, text: 'You cancelled with this value: ' + value })
submitCallback: function (value) {
notie.alert({ type: 1, text: 'You entered: ' + value })
value: '[email protected]',
type: 'email',
placeholder: '[email protected]'
text: 'Please enter your name:',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Jane Doe',
allowed: ['a', 's']
}, function(value) {
notie.alert({ type: 1, text: 'You entered: ' + value })
}, function(value) {
notie.alert({ type: 3, text: 'You cancelled with this value: ' + value })
text: 'Please enter the price:',
cancelCallback: function (value) {
notie.alert({ type: 3, text: 'You cancelled with this value: ' + value })
submitCallback: function (value) {
notie.alert({ type: 1, text: 'You entered: ' + value })
type: 'text',
placeholder: '500',
allowed: new RegExp('[^0-9]', 'g')
text: 'Demo item #1, owner is Jane Smith',
cancelText: 'Close',
cancelCallback: function () {
notie.alert({ type: 5, text: 'Cancel!' })
choices: [
text: 'Share',
handler: function () {
notie.alert({ type: 1, text: 'Share item!' })
text: 'Open',
handler: function () {
notie.alert({ type: 1, text: 'Open item!' })
type: 2,
text: 'Edit',
handler: function () {
notie.alert({ type: 2, text: 'Edit item!' })
type: 3,
text: 'Delete',
handler: function () {
notie.alert({ type: 3, text: 'Delete item!' })
function date() {{
value: new Date(2015, 8, 27),
cancelCallback: function (date) {
notie.alert({ type: 3, text: 'You cancelled: ' + date.toISOString() })
submitCallback: function (date) {
notie.alert({ type: 1, text: 'You selected: ' + date.toISOString() })
Use ES6 for nicer code and to inherit this
text: 'Leave the page?',
submitCallback: () => this.location.href = ''
text: 'Is ES6 great?',
cancelCallback: () => notie.alert({ type: 3, text: 'Why not?' }),
submitCallback: () => notie.alert({ type: 1, text: 'I Agree' })
type: 3,
text: 'You cannot do that, sending you back.',
buttonText: 'OK',
callback: () => notie.alert({ type: 3, text: 'Maybe when you\'re older...' })
Custom Styles
// Before notie is imported:
$notie-color-success: #57BF57;
$notie-color-warning: #D6A14D;
$notie-color-error: #E1715B;
$notie-color-info: #4D82D6;
$notie-color-neutral: #A0A0A0;
// See all overwriteable variables in src/notie.scss
// Then import notie:
@import '../../node_modules/notie/src/notie';
/* After notie styles are applied to DOM: */
.notie-container {
box-shadow: none;
Options & Methods
// Showing all available options with defaults
alertTime: 3,
dateMonths: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
overlayClickDismiss: true,
overlayOpacity: 0.75,
transitionCurve: 'ease',
transitionDuration: 0.3,
transitionSelector: 'all'
classes: {
container: 'notie-container',
textbox: 'notie-textbox',
textboxInner: 'notie-textbox-inner',
button: 'notie-button',
element: 'notie-element',
elementHalf: 'notie-element-half',
elementThird: 'notie-element-third',
overlay: 'notie-overlay',
backgroundSuccess: 'notie-background-success',
backgroundWarning: 'notie-background-warning',
backgroundError: 'notie-background-error',
backgroundInfo: 'notie-background-info',
backgroundNeutral: 'notie-background-neutral',
backgroundOverlay: 'notie-background-overlay',
alert: 'notie-alert',
inputField: 'notie-input-field',
selectChoiceRepeated: 'notie-select-choice-repeated',
dateSelectorInner: 'notie-date-selector-inner',
dateSelectorUp: 'notie-date-selector-up'
ids: {
overlay: 'notie-overlay'
positions: {
alert: 'top',
force: 'top',
confirm: 'top',
input: 'top',
select: 'bottom',
date: 'top'
// programmatically hide all alerts with an optional callback function
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the notie README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.