Protractor v0.7.0 Release Notes

  • 🚀 Note: Major version 0 releases are for initial development, and backwards incompatible changes may be introduced at any time.

    🔋 Features

    • ⚡️ (7966912) Updating to Selenium 2.24.

    • ✅ (90f0a94) Instead of having tests run with the protractor runner need to require() the protractor library, publish it to the global namespace. This insures ✅ the instance of protractor used within the tests is the same as the 💻 one used on the command line. Closes #36. Version bump for incompatible API changes.

    • (cb373c9) Adding glob matching to the spec files from the config. Closes #29.

    💥 Breaking changes

    • ⚡️ Now running on selenium 2.24. Requires updating WebDriverJS and the selenium standalone binary.

    • ✅ The protractor runner now publishes protractor to the global namespace and sets up the Jasmine-WebDriver adapter. Tests run with this should no longer include

    // var protractor = require('protractor'); // No longer needed!
    // require('protractor/jasminewd'); // No longer needed!
    var ptor = protractor.getInstance(); // This should just work now.