Protractor v1.0.0-rc1 Release Notes

  • ⚡️ Dependency Version Updates

    • (0dc0421) chore(selenium): version bumps to selenium 2.42.2

    🔋 Features

    • (6906c93) feat(webdriver-manager): use proxy for webdriver-manager

    • (7d90880) feat(locators): implement by.options

    • (4e1cfe5) feature(launcher): aggregate failures at the end and output message from the launcher

    • (ff3d5eb) feat(locators): add toString() wrapper for this.message

    • (c892c2a) feat(protractor): implement reduce and filter for ElementArrayFinder


    • (8920028) feat(pause): allow the user to specify a port to be used for debugging

    Using browser.pause(portNumber) will now start the debugger on the specified port number.

    Closes #956

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • (f9082d0) fix(clientsidescripts): make exactBinding more exact


    • (6641c81) fix(launcher): report summary when specs fail

    • (36e0e0a) fix(protractor): allow exceptions from actions to be catchable


    • (e86eb72) fix(protractor): removing a mock module that was never added now is a noop

    It used to remove the last module - now is a noop.

    Closes #764

    • (bf26f76) fix(locators): findind elements by text should trim whitespace

    WebDriver always trims whitespace from around the text of an element, so to be consistent we should trim the text from button elements before doing a by.buttonText.

    Closes #903, Closes #904.

    • (48798b0) fix(elementexplorer): element.all hangs in interactive mode