Protractor v1.0.0-rc2 Release Notes

  • ⚡️ Dependency Version Updates

    • (e10e1a4) chore(minijasminenode): update minijasminenode dependency to v1.1.0

    This adds several options for the reporter, which can be included in protractor's config.jasmineNodeOpts

      // If true, output nothing to the terminal. Overrides other printing options.
      silent: false,
      // If true, print timestamps for failures
      showTiming: true,
      // Print failures in real time.
      realtimeFailure: false
    • (be0bb00) chore(jasminewd): update jasminewd to v1.0.3

    This fixes extra logging when a timeout occurs.

    🔋 Features

    • (82c1d47) feat(protractor): add iteration index to ElementArrayFinder.each

    • (62bcf7e) feat(webdriver-manager): minor proxy enhancements

    Added error handling for request - previously, any errors coming from the request module were silently swallowed.

    Fixed error handling to remove empty files when a download fails for some reason.

    Also evaluating both uppercase and lowercase proxy variables. Many tools use proxy variables in the form https_proxy, others use HTTPS_PROXY.

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • (dbf7ab5) fix(mocha): mocha globals should be re-wrapped for every new suite

    Closes #523, closes #962