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150 days
Latest Release
3604 days ago

Changelog History
Page 5

  • v0.5.0 Changes

    • Exceptions are no longer reported when consumed.
    • Removed error from the API. Since exceptions are getting consumed, throwing them in an errback causes the exception to silently disappear. Use end.
    • Added end as both an API method and a promise-chain ending method. It causes propagated rejections to be thrown, which allows Node to write stack traces and emit uncaughtException events, and browsers to likewise emit onerror and log to the console.
    • Added join and wait as promise chain functions, so you can wait for variadic promises, returning your own promise back, or join variadic promises, resolving with a callback that receives variadic fulfillment values.
  • v0.4.4 Changes

    • end no longer returns a promise. It is the end of the promise chain.
    • Stopped reporting thrown exceptions in when callbacks and errbacks. These must be explicitly reported through .end(), .then(null, Q.error), or some other mechanism.
    • Added report as an API method, which can be used as an errback to report and propagate an error.
    • Added report as a promise-chain method, so an error can be reported if it passes such a gate.
  • v0.4.3 Changes

    • Fixed <script> support that regressed with 0.4.2 because of "use strict" in the module system multi-plexer.
  • v0.4.2 Changes

    • Added support for RequireJS (jburke)
  • v0.4.1 Changes

    • Added an "end" method to the promise prototype, as a shorthand for waiting for the promise to be resolved gracefully, and failing to do so, to dump an error message.
  • v0.4.0 Changes

    • *Removed the utility modules. NPM and Node no longer expose any module except the main module. These have been moved and merged into the "qq" package.
    • *In a non-CommonJS browser, q.js can be used as a script. It now creates a Q global variable.
    • Fixed thenable assimilation.
    • Fixed some issues with asap, when it resolves to undefined, or throws an exception.
  • v0.3.0 Changes

    • The post method has been reverted to its original signature, as provided in Tyler Close's ref_send API. That is, post accepts two arguments, the second of which is an arbitrary object, but usually invocation arguments as an Array. To provide variadic arguments to post, there is a new invoke function that posts the variadic arguments to the value given in the first argument.
    • The defined method has been moved from q to q/util since it gets no use in practice but is still theoretically useful.
    • The Promise constructor has been renamed to makePromise to be consistent with the convention that functions that do not require the new keyword to be used as constructors have camelCase names.
    • The isResolved function has been renamed to isFulfilled. There is a new isResolved function that indicates whether a value is not a promise or, if it is a promise, whether it has been either fulfilled or rejected. The code has been revised to reflect this nuance in terminology.
  • v0.2.10 Changes

    • Added join to "q/util" for variadically joining multiple promises.
  • v0.2.9 Changes

    • The future-compatible invoke method has been added, to replace post, since post will become backward- incompatible in the next major release.
    • Exceptions thrown in the callbacks of a when call are now emitted to Node's "uncaughtException" process event in addition to being returned as a rejection reason.
  • v0.2.8 Changes

    • Exceptions thrown in the callbacks of a when call are now consumed, warned, and transformed into rejections of the promise returned by when.