ractive v0.3.8 Release Notes

  • 2013-12-14

    • 🏗 Reorganised project into AMD modules, using amdclean during build
    • Decorators - decorate elements with functionality, e.g. tooltips, jQuery UI widgets, etc
    • 🚚 Moved plugins (adaptors, decorators, custom events, transitions) out of the main codebase and into separate repositories. Note: plugin APIs have changed!
    • ⚡️ ractive.merge() - merge items from one array into another (e.g. updating with data from a server)
    • Pattern observers - observe e.g. items[*].status
    • 👍 Contenteditable support (thanks @aphitiel and @Nijikokun)
    • ractive.insert() and ractive.detach() methods for moving a Ractive instance in and out of the DOM without destroying it
    • ractive.toHTML() replaces ractive.renderHTML()
    • ractive.findAll( selector, { live: true }) maintains a live list of elements matching any CSS selector
    • 🛠 Various bugfixes