ractive v1.3.0 Release Notes

  • 2019-02-04

    • 🐛 Bug fixes

      • Checkbox name bindings will now operate on a clone of the array, so that observers will get proper old and new values. This is a regression from the behavior in 0.7 (#3293)
    • Experimental new features

      • Referencing a special data keypath on a Ractive instance that via the data model will automatically create a link to the target instance's data. The target instance can be accessed as a property of the instance e.g. @this.myChildInstance.data.someKey or directly in the data e.g. ractive.set('myChildInstance', someInstance) and ~/myChildInstance.data.someKey.
      • Partials with context can now also supply aliases, which is useful for transplanting template supplied to a different component using the context object context support from 1.1.0 e.g. {{>.content .context, true as remote, some.thing as item}} where the .content template will have access to remote and item from the caller's context.