riot v4.6.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-09-22 // over 4 years ago
    • 🛠 Fix edge case issue in case text expressions get rendered in <template> tags
    • ⚡️ Update improve the code of the core, compiler and dom-bindings moving the shared code into
    • ➕ Add support for HOC (Higher-Order Components) components via <slot> attributes for example:


    \<hoc-component\> \<slot message={ message } theme={ theme }/\> \<script\>export default { message: 'hello', theme: 'dark' }\</script\> \</hoc-component\>


    \<app\> \<hoc-component\> \<!-- the {message} property will be provided by the \<hoc-component\> --\> \<h1\>{ message }\</h1\> \<!-- the {theme} property will be provided by the \<hoc-component\> --\> \<sidebar theme={ theme }/\> \</hoc-component\> \<!-- the {message} property is not available outside of the \<hoc-component\> --\> \<p\>{ message }\</p\> \</app\>