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Avg Release Cycle
96 days
Latest Release
2243 days ago

Changelog History
Page 9

  • v1.1.0 Changes

    December 02, 2014

    โœจ Enhancements

    • Transition - Transition's caching of final display state and animation existence now has improved performance.
    • Popup - Popup now has a settings.prefer that defaults to adjacent. This setting sets prefered next placement when a popup cannot fit on screen in the chosen placement. prefer can also be set to opposite to prefer the same position on the opposite side
    • Popup - Popup can now use a setting lastResort. When set to a position it will be used as a last resort even if popup does not entirely fit on the page. Setting this to false will produce an error when a popup cannot fit on screen.
    • Transition now has useFailSafe parameter (off by default) to ensure transition callback fires even if native onAnimationEnd event does not fire due to element visibility. Chromium Bug Report by Product Manager @ Mozilla and this open issue
    • ๐Ÿ’ป All UI - Many em measurements adjusted slightly to calculate out as exact pixel values (Fixes 1px rounding errors)
    • Steps - Now use global border color
    • Progress - Progress now has sizing variations
    • Input - transparent input can now be inverted
    • โฌ‡๏ธ Dropdown - Dropdown onChange callback now fires when calling setSelected programmatically.

    ๐Ÿ› Bugs

    • ๐Ÿ— Build Tools - NPM now correctly pins dependencies instead of using bleeding-edge versions which may break builds
    • Transition - Transition now correctly detects missing animations, errors do not cause future image transitions to break
    • Menu/Segment Fixes double border on pointing menu with attached segment Thanks davialexandre
    • Progress - Fixes indicating progress appearing incorrectly at 100% complete Thanks ordepdev
    • Icon - remove icon is now formatted correctly when used as remove link icon
    • Input - ui action input can now accomodate ui button that adjust padding from default
    • โฌ‡๏ธ Dropdown - Fix action input used inside ui dropdown to appear correctly Thanks ordepdev

    ๐Ÿ“„ Docs

    • Progress - Added missing settings docs for progress module
  • v1.0.1 Changes

    November 28, 2014

    ๐Ÿ› Bugs

    • Site - Add protocol variable for Google Font loader to avoid issues with // when loading locally causing freezing
    • Icon - Fix horizontal centering of circular icon
    • Transition - Fix vertical flip not working due to css typo Thanks cgroner
    • Menu - Removes missing image loader variable Thanks ryan-mahoney
    • Card/Item - Fix generic link stylings erroneously affecting linked ui elements like buttons
    • Table - Fixes table cell transition animating all properties
  • v1.0.0 Changes

    November 24, 2014

    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Changes

    • Word Order - Many multi word variations now require proper word order, for example left aligned or right floated classnames must be adjacent. This is to prevent conflicts with other multiple word variations
    • Form - Date field has been removed, use a ui icon input with a calendar icon instead
    • Label - Corner labels no longer support text, only icons.
    • โฌ‡๏ธ Dropdown - Sub menus inside dropdowns now need a wrapping div text around sub-menu descriptions
    • Checkbox - Checkbox "enable" and "disable" have been replaced with "check" and "uncheck"
    • Modal - Modal left and right sections are now replaced with image and description
    • Accordion - Accordions are now unstyled by default allowing for simpler coupling with other UI without having to override styles. Styled accordions are now included as a variation ui styled accordion
    • List - List item selectors are now more strict, list items must be immediate children of ui list or ui list list
    • Item - 0.x.x's UI card has been adjusted heavily. Vertically listed content should use ui item while floated grouped content should continue to use ui card. Some 'card' view content has been slightly adjusted. Please refer to documentation
    • Header / Icon - Inverted headers and icons no longer invert background colors, but instead use a lighter version of colors more legible on dark backgrounds. Inverted circular icons, still however invert the color of the circle.
    • Input - Labeled inputs now have corner left and top label types. Any labeled inputs should be converted to corner labeled input to preserve functionality from 0.x
    • Modal - allowMultiple (allowing multiple modals at once) is now set to false by default.
    • Table - Tables are no longer striped by default, instead you must specify the 'striped' variation
    • Transition - Complete, and Start callbacks are now onComplete and onStart

    โœจ Enhancements

    • General - CSS animations now hint with will change properties to increase performance in supported browsers
    • General - Many modules now use DOM Mutations and event delegation to allow content adjustment after initialization
    • Accordion - Accordion now includes all icons in an embedded font instead of requiring icons
    • Button - Now has compact form, used for fitting into tight spaces
    • Button - Now has CSS loaders to allow loading state to maintain other styles
    • Checkbox - Now correctly handles read-only and disabled, has read-only and disabled states
    • Checkbox - All styles have been redone. Standard checkboxes are now based around PX and not EM making sure there are no unusual circles or rounding issues. Checkboxes also now use a custom font for glyphs instead of CSS tricks.
    • Checkbox - Checkbox now have a fireOnInit setting for firing callbacks on page load
    • Checkbox - Checkbox now receive a checked class when checked, making it easier to write css selectors on checked checkboxes, for example when using sibling selectors .ui.checked.checkbox + .content { // style }
    • โฌ‡๏ธ Dropdown - New dropdown type, searchable selection for large lists of choices
    • โฌ‡๏ธ Dropdown - Dropdowns can now be initialized directly on a <select> element without any html
    • โฌ‡๏ธ Dropdown - New action combo will change text of adjacent button, select will select element but not change text
    • โฌ‡๏ธ Dropdown - Many new content types now work inside dropdowns, headers, dividers, images, inputs, labels and more
    • Form - Form now has a success state which will automatically display success messages
    • Dimmer - Dimmer will now automatically determine whether click-to-close is enabled by settings.on
    • Dimmer - Multiple dimmers can now be used on the same context with dimmerName
    • Dimmer - Dimmer variations can be specified when creating a dimmer from javascript using variation setting.
    • Form - Grouped fields and inline fields can now have labels
    • Form - Forms in 'success' state will now show success messages inside
    • Form - Inputs now use 1em font size and correctly match selection dropdown height
    • Form - Inverted form now properly styles loader
    • Form - New field type required formats labels to show filling out field is mandatory
    • Grid - ui divider can now be used inside of row columns as well as vertically divided grid variation
    • Grid - Grid rows and columns now support color variations
    • Grid - Grid has been rewritten to automatically create row flow without row wrappers
    • Grid - Divided and celled grids can now be inverted for dark backgrounds
    • Grid - Elements inside a grid that are not rows or columns will now align properly
    • Grid - Fixed page grid allows for fixed pixel size containers used with a grid instead of percentage
    • Grid - Vertically divided grid now does not include left/right gutters in divider
    • Header - Linked headers now receive link colors
    • Image - New bordered image variation
    • Item - Items now have a horizontal list view for content lists
    • Label - Added tag label and empty circular label style
    • Label - Now has compact form, for fitting into tight spaces
    • Label - Now has more sizes available
    • List - Child lists can now be formatted to sit inside text content
    • List - List images can now specify vertical alignment
    • List - List spacing defaults have been adjusted to be more consistent
    • Popup - Popup can now allow itself not to be closed when hovered over
    • Popup - A popup element can now be specified on initialization.
    • Reveal - Reveals now all use css properties with GPU acceleration
    • Popup - Positioned popups will now extend in the opposite direction to fit better with floated content
    • Rating - Rating now uses an embedded icon font to maximize compatibility
    • Rating - Rating can now automatically generate icons without including them
    • Rating - Rating can use data attributes to specify individual ratings
    • Sidebar - Sidebar now has tall / very tall variations for resizing top/bottom sidebars
    • Shape - Shape now is better at calculating sizes when animating
    • Shape - You can now disable repeated animations by setting, so animation wont queue if side is currently visible
    • Steps - Steps can now have icons, descriptions and titles. Step default theme has been modified significantly to be more flexible.
    • Table - Tables now have 'basic' and 'very' basic variations
    • Transition - Transition will now keep block position of elements hidden with visibility hidden
    • Transition - Transitions now will handle multiple display types more consistently
    • Transition - Transition now has a new start callback, before animation starts
    • Transition - Complete callback now does not occur if animation is interrupted before completing
    • Transition - You can now specify the final displayType of a transitioning element in metadata or settings (not just automatically detected)
    • ๐Ÿ’ป More untracked changes added as well

    ** ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes **

    • ๐Ÿ‘€ See Closed GitHub Issues
  • v0.19.3 Changes

    September 11, 2014

    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

    • Grid - Fixes issue where some responsive grid stylings were being overridden by other variations (for example stackable overriding )
  • v0.19.2 Changes

    September 11, 2014

    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

    • Grid - (Backport from 1.0 branch) Fixes issue where some combinations of (tablet/mobile/computer) only does not function correctly
  • v0.19.1 Changes

    September 05, 2014

    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

    • Modal - (Backport from 1.0 branch) Fixes issue where modal sometimes appears too low on second show
  • v0.19.0 Changes

    July 03, 2014

    โœจ Enhancements

    • Transition - Adds "fade in left/right" variations to match "fade up/down" Thanks AdamMaras

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixes

    • Accordion - Fixes incompatibilities with ui list when used inside a ui accordion, fixes issues with menu accordion display in some circumstances
    • Menu - Fixes ui inverted secondary pointing menu to have correct pointer color for all color variations Thanks AdamMaras
    • ๐Ÿ“„ Docs - Language clarified for menu/rating definition Thanks jnbt/ewiner
  • v0.18.0 Changes

    June 06, 2014

    โœจ Enhancements

    • Modal - Modals now focus on first input if available Thanks Knotix
    • RTL - RTL now uses RTLCSS instead of CSSJanus Thanks MohammadYounes

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixes

    • Menu - Fixes bug where pointing menu would sometimes appear below content Thanks Skysplit
    • โฌ‡๏ธ Dropdown - Fixes dropdown 'is animating' with dropdowns when CSS animations were not included Thanks nathankot
    • Accordion - Accordion title does not know have to be :first-child to receive proper border Thanks BigBlueHat
    • Popup - Fixes javascript animation of popup missing easing dependency
    • Label - Fixes border radius on bottom left label

    ๐Ÿ“„ Docs

    • Modal - Docs now have HTML examples
    • ๐Ÿ“„ Docs - Fixes issue with overview mode not clearing code examples
    • CSS Guide - Fixes typos in css guide
  • v0.17.0 Changes

    May 09, 2014

    โœจ Enhancements

    • โฌ‡๏ธ Dropdown - Dropdowns can now receive focus and be navigated with a keyboard Thanks Musatov
    • Popup - Popup now has an onRemove callback after removing element from DOM

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixes

    • Modal - Element does not accurately close other modals when initialized at different times Thanks nojhamster
    • Modal - Fixes javascript error for browsers that don't support CSS animations if jquery.easing is not included
    • Form, Input - Fixes ui input to work correctly inside inline field
  • v0.16.1 Changes

    April 22, 2014

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixes

    • Transition - Fixes bug where transition could accidentally hide element on show due to error when determining original display type