Sinon.JS v12.0.0 Release Notes

    • b20ef9e4 Upgrade to fake-timers@8 (Carl-Erik Kopseng). This is potentially breaking, but should not be, as the breaking change deals with the Node timer object created by fake timers.
    • eba42cc3 Enable esm named exports (#2382) (Julian Grinblat)
    • b0cf5448 Spelling (#2398) (Josh Soref)
    • e78a6706 Make calledWith() assertions idempotent (#2407) (Joel Bradshaw)
    • 2814c0a2 Generate using @studio/changes (Morgan Roderick) > This will bring us closer to having the same release process as the > other @sinonjs packages.
    • 2d5d6ad4 Run tests in Node 16 in GitHub Actions (Morgan Roderick)

    🚀 Released by Carl-Erik Kopseng on 2021-11-03.