squirrelly v7.5.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-08-21 // over 4 years ago
  • Announcements

    • Bundle size decreased to 4.7kb minified, 2.1kb minzipped! https://bundlephobia.com/[email protected]
    • We rebuilt, tested, and tweaked the master RegExp, and fixed the RegExp that handles helper references. The master RegExp is 83 characters shorter than before.

    🛠 Fixed (overview)

    • Filter chaining!
    • Helper references by ID inside parameters

    🔄 Changes

    • ⚡️ Updated demo to include example with multiple filters 0d9f50d
    • Working initial version 8fd4718
    • ✂ Removed globalRef, helperRef to outside while loop 09f72bc
    • ⚡️ changed replaceParamHelpers to replaceHelperRefs, updated RegExp 2552c35
    • Squirrelly no longer checks whether a helper reference is inside a string - it replaces all perceived helper references, no matter where. Checking whether it's inside a string is unnecessarily time-consuming and complex. If you need to have the literal character "@" somewhere in a string, use string concatenation: 'somestr' + '@' + 'otherstring'.

