Strapi v3.0.0-rc.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-05-07 // almost 4 years ago
  • 🚀 🎉 Do you want to test this pre-release? 🎉

    You can run

    npx create-strapi-app@rc my-test --quickstart

    🍱 ⚠️ DO NOT MIGRATE ⚠️

    🚀 This pre-release contains breaking changes so you should not try migrating an existing app until we release the final v3.0.0 release with the migration guides.

    For the curious ones out there, here are a few more details:

    🍱 🚀 New feature

    📚 Refactors configuration loading to support .env files natively and simplifies generated configurations. (Check the future documentation learn more.

    🍱 🐛 Bug fixes

    📚 We implemented new lifecycles hooks to fix the numerous issues we have added along the way with them. You can check out the future documentation to learn more.

    • 🍱 [core:database] 💥 Remove idAttribute and idAttributeType options because breaks strapi (#5988) @alexandrebodin

    🏗 We have been having issues concerning idAttributes and UUID type when trying to overwrite the default id behavior. To make sure no one encounters those issues we decided to remove this behavior and instead promote the use of additional fields with lifecycles to build UUIDs if needed!

    • 🏗 [plugin:content-type-builder] 💥 Add reserved names for models and attributes (#5989) @alexandrebodin

    🏗 We added checks at startup and in the content type builder to notify users that they are using reserved attribute or model names.

    🍱 💅 Enhancements