

The problem with exceptions is that once caught you don't know what type they are. You can of course create a bunch of custom error classes and use instanceof to overcome this. The advantage of ts-pojo-error is that you have a single error type PojoError which can be easily typed and serialized.

Programming language: TypeScript
License: MIT License
Tags: Library     Nodejs     TypeScript     Browser     Error     serialization     Safe     Pojo     Exeption    

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๐Ÿ”ฅ Type safe pojo error will help you to easily create typed and serializable error.


The problem with exceptions is that once caught you don't know what type they are. You can of course create a bunch of custom error classes and use instanceof to overcome this. The advantage of ts-pojo-error is that you have a single error type PojoError which can be easily typed and serialized.


  • Type safe & autocompletion
  • Serializable output
  • Node or Browser
  • ESM or CJS
  • Well tested



pnpm add @skarab/ts-pojo-error # yarn and npm also works

Defining an error factory

  • factory( errors: PojoErrorTypes ) : PojoFactory

An error factory is constructed from a Record where the key is the type of the error and the value is a callback that defines the PojoError. The callback parameters define the parameters passed at the creation of the error and the return value defines the data of the error.

// errors.ts

import { factory } from "@skarab/ts-pojo-error";

export const errors = factory({
  UNKNOWN: () => ({ message: "Unknown error..." }),
  WARNING: (message: string) => ({ message, time: Date.now() }),
  FATAL: (message?: string) => ({ message: message ?? "Fatal error" }),
  EXIT: (message: string, code: number) => ({ message, code }),

Instantiating & Throwing errors

  • new( type: infered, ...args: infered[] ) : PojoError
  • throw( type: infered, ...args: infered[] ) : never

The first parameter is always the type of error, the following parameters are the ones you set in the factory.

All parameters have support for autocompletion.

// action.ts

import { errors } from "./errors";

export function action() {
  // Do your awsome stuff...

  // ...something go wrong, throw an typed error
  throw errors.new("FATAL");

  // or with a custom error message
  throw errors.new("FATAL", "Oupsy!");

  // or by using the .throw helper

  // or by using the fake enum

Catching & Typing errors

  • is( type: infered, error: unknown ) : boolean
  • has( error: unknown ) : boolean

This is where it gets really interesting, the problem with exceptions is that once caught you don't know what type they are. You can of course create a bunch of custom error classes and use instanceof to overcome this. The advantage of ts-pojo-error is that you have a single error type PojoError which can be easily typed and serialized.

The is method is a type guard that will narrow the error to the specific type if the original type is compatible.

In the if block all properties are typed and have support for autocompletion.

// index.ts

import { action } from "./action";
import { errors } from "./errors";

try {
} catch (error) {
  error; // <- unknown type

  if (errors.is("FATAL", error)) {
    error; // <- PojoError instance with type "FATAL"

    error.message; // "Oupsy!": string

    error.type; // "FATAL": "FATAL"
    error.args; // ["Oupsy!"] : [message?: string | undefined]
    error.data; // { message: "Oupsy!" }: { message: string }

    error.toObject(); // { type, args, data, stack?: string | undefined }
    error.toJSON(); // string

  if (errors.has(error)) {
    error.type; // "UNKNOWN" | "WARNING" | "FATAL" | ...

  if (error instanceof PojoError) {
    error.type; // any (Bad!)

Contributing ๐Ÿ’œ


*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the ts-pojo-error README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.