All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
56 days
Latest Release
1743 days ago

Changelog History
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  • v3.9.2 Changes

    May 12, 2020

    🚀 This release updates TypeScript to 3.9.2 and includes syntax highlighting fixes and updates for new language constructs.

    • 🔌 Correctly load Sublime settings in certain scenarios (#741, thanks to @aNickPlx)
    • 🔌 Correclty use log.debug instead of print, which avoids emitting to the console (#742, thanks to @evandrocoan)
  • v3.8.2 Changes

    February 20, 2020

    🚀 This release updates TypeScript to 3.8.2 and includes syntax highlighting fixes and updates for new language constructs.

    âž• Additionally, it contains the following fixes and improvements:

    • 🔌 Provides a copy link for hover tooltips (#724, thanks to @kylebebak)
    • 🔌 Provides a more Sublime-like experience for tabbing through completions (#733, thanks to @matthandlersux)
    • 🔌 Correctly displays Signature Help when started from subl (#734, thanks to @adill)
    • Provides the node_args, tsserver_args, and tsserver_env options (#730, thanks to @mattbroussard)
  • v3.7.2 Changes

    November 05, 2019

    🚀 This release updates TypeScript to 3.7.2 and includes syntax highlighting fixes, as well as support for new TypeScript syntax.

    Thanks to @bertilnilsson, it also includes new options to change the way that errors are surfaced in Sublime Text. Errors can be displayed in the gutter using the error_icon setting, and errors can be set to use outlines with the error_outlined setting. See more information here.

  • v3.6.2 Changes

    August 28, 2019

    🚀 This release updates TypeScript to 3.6.2 and includes syntax highlighting fixes.

    🚀 Also notably, this release contains the following editor-specific changes:

  • v3.5.1 Changes

    May 29, 2019

    🚀 This release updates TypeScript to 3.5.1 and includes syntax highlighting fixes.

    🚀 Notably, this release appropriately highlights syntax in tooltips for signature help and quick info thanks to changes by @kbjr.

  • v3.4.1 Changes

    March 29, 2019

    🚀 This release updates TypeScript to version 3.4.1 and updates its syntax highlighting files.

  • v3.3.3333 Changes

    February 25, 2019

    🚀 This release updates TypeScript to version 3.3.3333 and fixes issues with files whose contents might contain JavaScript or TypeScript source code (e.g. .html files and .vue files with <script> tags). The plugin will no longer interfere with the editing experience in those files.

    🔌 Details are available at issues #665 and #703.

  • v3.3.1 Changes

    January 31, 2019

    🚀 This release ships with TypeScript 3.3.1, and also supports editing in JavaScript files thanks to work done by @zhengbli and @idiotWu.

    With this mode, users will receive TypeScript-powered features like more accurate completions, renaming capabilities, refactoring, go-to-definition, and find-all-references. Users can also get error checking in JavaScript files in the presence of checkJs in a tsconfig.json file, or a // @ts-check comment at the top of your file. This functionality can be disabled by explicitly setting the enable_language_service_for_javascript setting in your preferences to false.

    🚀 This release also sets error regions to invalid.illegal so that themes can leverage them appropriately - courtesy of work done by @rgant.

    🚀 Finally, this release includes a fix for renaming issues when renamed entities occur on the same line.

  • v3.2.1 Changes

    November 29, 2018

    🚀 This release provides users with TypeScript 3.2.1 and updates syntax highlighting files for TypeScript.