Uppy v0.27.3 Release Notes

  • 🚀 Released: 2018-09-03.

    🆕 New versions in this release:

    📦 | Package | Version | Package | Version | |-|-|-|-| | uppy | 0.27.3 | @uppy/instagram | 0.27.3 | | @uppy/aws-s3-multipart | 0.27.2 | @uppy/progress-bar | 0.27.2 | | @uppy/aws-s3 | 0.27.2 | @uppy/provider-views | 0.27.2 | | @uppy/companion-client | 0.27.2 | @uppy/react | 0.27.3 | | @uppy/companion | 0.14.3 | @uppy/redux-dev-tools | 0.27.2 | | @uppy/core | 0.27.1 | @uppy/status-bar | 0.27.2 | | @uppy/dashboard | 0.27.3 | @uppy/thumbnail-generator | 0.27.2 | | @uppy/drag-drop | 0.27.2 | @uppy/transloadit | 0.27.3 | | @uppy/dropbox | 0.27.2 | @uppy/tus | 0.27.3 | | @uppy/file-input | 0.27.2 | @uppy/url | 0.27.3 | | @uppy/form | 0.27.2 | @uppy/utils | 0.27.1 | | @uppy/golden-retriever | 0.27.2 | @uppy/webcam | 0.27.2 | | @uppy/google-drive | 0.27.3 | @uppy/xhr-upload | 0.27.2 | | @uppy/informer | 0.27.2 | - | - |

    🔄 Changes:

    • ⚡️ build: Update readme contributors list before publish (#1023 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • 🏗 build: Enable cssnano safe mode. Fixes z-index primarily. (@goto-bus-stop)
    • 🛠 @uppy/status-bar: Show number of started uploads, fixes #983 (@goto-bus-stop)
    • 🚚 @uppy/thumbnail-generator: Remove image clear code, fixes #1025. (#1028 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • 🛠 @uppy/aws-s3-multipart: Proper cleanup on cancellation, fixes #992 (#1021 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • @uppy/utils: Add fallback to getFileType (#1022 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • 📦 @uppy/transloadit: Lazy load socket.io-client, avoiding buffer warnings in IE10 when using the uppy CDN package. (#1019 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • @uppy/webcam: Fix for Cordova mangling new File instances (#1034 / @firesharkstudios)
    • @uppy/xhr-upload: Add file name to Blob instance uploads (#1034 / @firesharkstudios)
    • @uppy/transloadit: Only use socket.io's WebSocket transport. (#1029 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • @uppy/companion: Rename UPPYSERVER_ environment variables to COMPANION_ + more. The old names still work for now but will be dropped in a future release (#1037 / @kvz)
    • 💥 ⚠️ breaking @uppy/transloadit: Change hosted Companion URLs to https://api2.transloadit.com/companion, using the hosted uppy-server URLs will now throw an error (#1038 / @goto-bus-stop)