Uppy v0.27.5 Release Notes

  • 🚀 Released: 2018-09-27

    📦 | Package | Version | Package | Version | |-|-|-|-| | uppy | 0.27.5 | @uppy/instagram | 0.27.5 | | @uppy/core | 0.27.3 | @uppy/react | 0.27.5 | | @uppy/dashboard | 0.27.5 | @uppy/transloadit | 0.27.5 | | @uppy/dropbox | 0.27.4 | @uppy/tus | 0.27.5 | | @uppy/form | 0.27.4 | @uppy/url | 0.27.5 | | @uppy/informer | 0.27.4 | @uppy/webcam | 0.27.4 |

    • 🔌 core: Add onMount() and this.parent to Plugin (#1062 / @arturi)
    • 🚚 core: Call removeFile on each file when doing cancelAll (#1058 / @arturi)
    • 0️⃣ dashboard: Fixing “ResizeObserver is not a constructor”, issue #1070, by doing require('resize-observer-polyfill').default || require('resize-observer-polyfill') (#1078 / @yoldar, @arturi, @goto-bus-stop)
    • dashboard: Only show the plus button if props.totalFileCount < props.maxNumberOfFiles (#1063 / @arturi)
    • status-bar: use uppy-Root in Status Bar when it’s mounted in DOM (#1081 / @arturi)
    • 📄 docs: added uppy.off() info (#1077 / @dviry)
    • 📄 docs: quick start guide, add simple HTML page snippet with Uppy https://community.transloadit.com/t/quick-start-guide-would-be-really-helpful/14605 (#1068 / @arturi)