Uppy v1.16 Release Notes

    • βœ… [ ] test: add deepFreeze to test that state in not mutated anywhere by accident, use default's store #320
    • [ ] provider: add Box (@ife)
    • πŸ”Œ [ ] plugins: audio/memo recording similar to Webcam #143 #198 (@arturi)
    • βœ… [ ] test: add typescript with JSDoc for @uppy/core https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/Type-Checking-JavaScript-Files (@arturi)
    • [ ] core: add Vue.js wrapper component for the Dashboard (@arturi)
    • βͺ [ ] goldenretriever: confirmation before restore, add β€œghost” files #443 #257 (@arturi) (@arturi)
    • πŸ‘€ [ ] dashboard: fix Dashboard issues with Angular β€” it’s incredibly slow presumably because of ResizeObserver. (See #1613) (@arturi)
    • [ ] dashboard: add VirtualList, so it can render 5000 files without lag (@goto-bus-stop, @lakesare)
    • πŸ‘ [ ] dashboard: support for right-to-left languages (Arabic, Hebrew) (@arturi)
    • πŸ”Œ [ ] plugins: Transformations, cropping, filters for images, study https://github.com/MattKetmo/darkroomjs/, https://github.com/fengyuanchen/cropperjs #151 #53 (@arturi)
    • [ ] core: add maxTotalFileSize restriction #514 (@arturi)
    • [ ] companion: what happens if access token expires during/between an download & upload (@ife)
    • πŸ’» [ ] providers: Provider Browser don't handle uppy restrictions, can we hide things that don't match the restrictions in Google Drive and Instagram? #1827 (@arturi)