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  • v1.19.2 Changes

    πŸš€ Released: 2020-07-30

    πŸ”Œ This mostly introduces patches to accommodate for the new @uppy/zoom plugin! πŸŽ‰

    πŸ“¦ | Package | Version | Package | Version | |-|-|-|-| | @uppy/aws-s3-multipart | 1.8.2 | @uppy/progress-bar | 1.3.18 | | @uppy/aws-s3 | 1.6.9 | @uppy/provider-views | 1.7.2 | | @uppy/companion-client | 1.5.3 | @uppy/react | 1.10.2 | | @uppy/companion | 2.0.0-alpha.9 | @uppy/redux-dev-tools | 1.3.4 | | @uppy/core | 1.12.2 | @uppy/robodog | 1.9.2 | | @uppy/dashboard | 1.12.2 | @uppy/screen-capture | 1.0.6 | | @uppy/drag-drop | 1.4.18 | @uppy/status-bar | 1.7.3 | 0️⃣ | @uppy/dropbox | 1.4.11 | @uppy/store-default | 1.2.3 | | @uppy/facebook | 1.1.11 | @uppy/store-redux | 1.2.3 | | @uppy/file-input | 1.4.16 | @uppy/thumbnail-generator | 1.6.5 | | @uppy/form | 1.3.19 | @uppy/transloadit | 1.6.5 | | @uppy/golden-retriever | 1.3.18 | @uppy/tus | 1.7.3 | | @uppy/google-drive | 1.5.11 | @uppy/url | 1.5.10 | | @uppy/image-editor | 0.1.3 | @uppy/utils | 3.2.2 | | @uppy/informer | 1.5.10 | @uppy/webcam | 1.6.10 | | @uppy/instagram | 1.4.11 | @uppy/xhr-upload | 1.6.3 | | @uppy/locales | 1.16.3 | @uppy/zoom | 0.1.0 | | @uppy/onedrive | 1.1.11 | uppy | 1.19.2 |

    • πŸ‘ @uppy/utils: Add support for AVIF images in thumbnails (#2406 / @ajkachnic)
    • πŸ”Œ @uppy/companion,@uppy/zoom: add implementation for Zoom plugin and Zoom Provider (#2342 / @mokutsu-coursera, @goto-bus-stop)
    • @uppy/companion: fix zoom logout endpoint (#2414 / @ifedapoolarewaju)
    • @uppy/companion: add extensions to zoom file names (#2415 / @ifedapoolarewaju)
  • v1.19.1 Changes

    πŸš€ Released: 2020-07-29

    πŸ›  This is a bugfix release. The breaking change mentioned in 1.19.0 was much more severe than anticipated, because it affected the primary user-facing translation string. 1.19.1 hopes to restore backwards compatibility with all previous 1.x versions. Thanks to @yaegor for pointing this out and to @jonathanarbely and @fingul for submitting translations for the new strings for German and Korean!

    πŸ“¦ | Package | Version | Package | Version | |-|-|-|-| | @uppy/aws-s3-multipart | 1.8.1 | @uppy/provider-views | 1.7.1 | | @uppy/aws-s3 | 1.6.8 | @uppy/react | 1.10.1 | | @uppy/companion-client | 1.5.2 | @uppy/redux-dev-tools | 1.3.3 | | @uppy/core | 1.12.1 | @uppy/robodog | 1.9.1 | | @uppy/dashboard | 1.12.1 | @uppy/screen-capture | 1.0.5 | | @uppy/drag-drop | 1.4.17 | @uppy/status-bar | 1.7.2 | 0️⃣ | @uppy/dropbox | 1.4.10 | @uppy/store-default | 1.2.2 | | @uppy/facebook | 1.1.10 | @uppy/store-redux | 1.2.2 | | @uppy/file-input | 1.4.15 | @uppy/thumbnail-generator | 1.6.4 | | @uppy/form | 1.3.18 | @uppy/transloadit | 1.6.4 | | @uppy/golden-retriever | 1.3.17 | @uppy/tus | 1.7.2 | | @uppy/google-drive | 1.5.10 | @uppy/url | 1.5.9 | | @uppy/informer | 1.5.9 | @uppy/utils | 3.2.1 | | @uppy/instagram | 1.4.10 | @uppy/webcam | 1.6.9 | | @uppy/locales | 1.16.2 | @uppy/xhr-upload | 1.6.2 | | @uppy/onedrive | 1.1.10 | uppy | 1.19.1 | | @uppy/progress-bar | 1.3.17 | - | - |

    • 0️⃣ @uppy/aws-s3: tighten type checks in default getUploadParameters() implementation (#2388 / @johnnyperkins)
    • βͺ @uppy/dashboard: restore backwards compatibility for the locales (#2397 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • βͺ @uppy/dashboard: revert Preact X version conflict fix, which was causing new bugs (#2405 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • 🌐 @uppy/locales: add stub value for browseFiles for all remaining translations (#2397 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • 🌐 @uppy/locales: add stub value for browseFiles for the German translation (#2396 / @jonathanarbely)
    • @uppy/locales: tweak Korean wording and add the new dropPaste* strings (#2395 / @fingul)
    • πŸ“„ docs: document shape of file objects (#2371 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • πŸ“„ docs: document transloadit waitForXYZ options better (#2371 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • πŸ“„ docs: prefer constructor syntax new Uppy() over plain call syntax Uppy() (#2371 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • website: fix a couple of cases where user-provided values were output to HTML unescaped. Thanks Shivprsad Sammbhare for the report!
  • v1.19 Changes

    • πŸ”Œ [ ] plugins: WordPress Back-end plugin. Should be another Transloadit Integration based on Robodog Dashboard(?) we should add a provider, and possibly offer already-uploaded content
    • πŸ”Œ [ ] webcam: Specify the resolution of the webcam images/video. We should add a way to specify any custom 'constraints' (aspect ratio, resolution, mimetype (/video/mp4;codec=h264), bits per second, etc) to the Webcam plugin #876
  • v1.18 Changes

    • [ ] dashboard: add option to use body or window or CSS selector as drop zone / paste zone as well, DropPasteTarget #1593 (@arturi)
    • [ ] dashboard/dragndrop/fileinput: Add a disabled (true||false) option (
    • [ ] dashboard: Add Done button when upload is successfully finished (
    • [ ] dashboard: Add a Load More button so you don't have to TAB endlessly to get to the upload button (
    • [ ] provider: Image search (via Google or Bing or DuckDuckGo) (@arturi)
    • [ ] core: add AngularJS wrapper component for the Dashboard (@arturi)
    • [ ] dashboard: allow selecting folders (add separate hidden input button for folders) #447 #1027 (@arturi)
    • [ ] provider: MediaLibrary provider which shows you files that have already been uploaded #450, #1121, #1112 #362
  • v1.17 Changes

    • βœ… [ ] test: add deepFreeze to test that state in not mutated anywhere by accident, use default's store #320
    • [ ] provider: add Box (@ife)
    • πŸ”Œ [ ] plugins: audio/memo recording similar to Webcam #143 #198 (@arturi)
    • βœ… [ ] test: add typescript with JSDoc for @uppy/core (@arturi)
    • [ ] core: add Vue.js wrapper component for the Dashboard (@arturi)
    • βͺ [ ] goldenretriever: confirmation before restore, add β€œghost” files #443 #257 (@arturi) (@arturi)
    • πŸ‘€ [ ] dashboard: fix Dashboard issues with Angular β€” it’s incredibly slow presumably because of ResizeObserver. (See #1613) (@arturi)
    • πŸ‘ [ ] dashboard: support for right-to-left languages (Arabic, Hebrew) (@arturi)
    • πŸ”Œ [ ] plugins: Transformations, cropping, filters for images, study, #151 #53 (@arturi)
    • [ ] core: add maxTotalFileSize restriction #514 (@arturi)
    • [ ] companion: what happens if access token expires during/between an download & upload (@ife)
    • πŸ’» [ ] providers: Provider Browser don't handle uppy restrictions, can we hide things that don't match the restrictions in Google Drive and Instagram? #1827 (@arturi)
  • v1.16.1 Changes

    June 18, 2020

    πŸš€ Released: 2020-06-19

    πŸ“¦ | Package | Version | Package | Version | |-|-|-|-| | @uppy/companion | 2.0.0-alpha.6 | - | - |

    • @uppy/companion: Import url (#2328 / @ifedapoolarewaju)

    πŸš€ Released: 2020-06-18

    πŸš€ ⚠️ This release patches a Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) Security vulnerability on @uppy/companion

    πŸ“¦ | Package | Version | Package | Version | |-|-|-|-| | @uppy/companion | 1.13.2, 2.0.0-alpha.5 | @uppy/onedrive | 1.1.8 | | @uppy/dashboard | 1.10.1 | @uppy/provider-views | 1.6.8 | | @uppy/drag-drop | 1.4.15 | @uppy/react | 1.8.1 | | @uppy/dropbox | 1.4.8 | @uppy/robodog | 1.7.1 | | @uppy/facebook | 1.1.8 | @uppy/thumbnail-generator | 1.6.2 | | @uppy/google-drive | 1.5.8 | @uppy/transloadit | 1.6.1 | | @uppy/instagram | 1.4.8 | uppy | 1.16.1 |

    • ⬆️ @uppy/thumbnail-generator: upgrade exifr (@goto-bus-stop)
    • @uppy/companion: set grant related options for custom providers (#2317 / @ifedapoolarewaju)
    • πŸ”Œ @uppy/provider-views: handle all plugin state in provider-views (#2318 / @ifedapoolarewaju)
    • @uppy/drag-drop: Add uppy-DragDrop-input class name back (ab88612dff3ce24b001acb3b626516f0e2f7fd0c / @arturi)
    • @uppy/companion: block redirects to urls with different protocol (#2322 / @ifedapoolarewaju)
  • v1.16 Changes

    • βœ… [ ] test: add deepFreeze to test that state in not mutated anywhere by accident, use default's store #320
    • [ ] provider: add Box (@ife)
    • πŸ”Œ [ ] plugins: audio/memo recording similar to Webcam #143 #198 (@arturi)
    • βœ… [ ] test: add typescript with JSDoc for @uppy/core (@arturi)
    • [ ] core: add Vue.js wrapper component for the Dashboard (@arturi)
    • βͺ [ ] goldenretriever: confirmation before restore, add β€œghost” files #443 #257 (@arturi) (@arturi)
    • πŸ‘€ [ ] dashboard: fix Dashboard issues with Angular β€” it’s incredibly slow presumably because of ResizeObserver. (See #1613) (@arturi)
    • [ ] dashboard: add VirtualList, so it can render 5000 files without lag (@goto-bus-stop, @lakesare)
    • πŸ‘ [ ] dashboard: support for right-to-left languages (Arabic, Hebrew) (@arturi)
    • πŸ”Œ [ ] plugins: Transformations, cropping, filters for images, study, #151 #53 (@arturi)
    • [ ] core: add maxTotalFileSize restriction #514 (@arturi)
    • [ ] companion: what happens if access token expires during/between an download & upload (@ife)
    • πŸ’» [ ] providers: Provider Browser don't handle uppy restrictions, can we hide things that don't match the restrictions in Google Drive and Instagram? #1827 (@arturi)
  • v1.15 Changes

    • βœ… [ ] test: add deepFreeze to test that state in not mutated anywhere by accident, use default's store #320
    • [ ] provider: add Box (@ife)
    • πŸ”Œ [ ] plugins: audio/memo recording similar to Webcam #143 #198 (@arturi)
    • βœ… [ ] test: add typescript with JSDoc for @uppy/core (@arturi)
    • [ ] core: add Vue.js wrapper component for the Dashboard (@arturi)
    • βͺ [ ] goldenretriever: confirmation before restore, add β€œghost” files #443 #257 (@arturi) (@arturi)
    • πŸ‘€ [ ] dashboard: fix Dashboard issues with Angular β€” it’s incredibly slow presumably because of ResizeObserver. (See #1613) (@arturi)
    • [ ] dashboard: add VirtualList, so it can render 5000 files without lag (@goto-bus-stop, @lakesare)
    • πŸ‘ [ ] dashboard: support for right-to-left languages (Arabic, Hebrew) (@arturi)
    • πŸ”Œ [ ] plugins: Transformations, cropping, filters for images, study, #151 #53 (@arturi)
    • [ ] core: add maxTotalFileSize restriction #514 (@arturi)
    • [ ] companion: what happens if access token expires during/between an download & upload (@ife)
    • πŸ’» [ ] providers: Provider Browser don't handle uppy restrictions, can we hide things that don't match the restrictions in Google Drive and Instagram? #1827 (@arturi)
  • v1.14.1 Changes

    April 30, 2020

    πŸš€ Released: 2020-05-01

    πŸ“¦ | Package | Version | Package | Version | |-|-|-|-| | @uppy/companion | 2.0.0-alpha.2 | - | - |

    • @uppy/companion: make it node 8 compatible (temporarily) (#2234 / @ifedapoolarewaju)

    πŸš€ Released: 2020-04-30

    πŸ“¦ | Package | Version | Package | Version | |-|-|-|-| | @uppy/aws-s3-multipart | 1.6.4 | @uppy/locales | 1.13.3 | | @uppy/aws-s3 | 1.6.4 | @uppy/onedrive | 1.1.5 | | @uppy/companion-client | 1.4.4 | @uppy/progress-bar | 1.3.13 | | @uppy/companion | 2.0.0-alpha.1 | @uppy/react | 1.6.5 | | @uppy/core | 1.10.4 | @uppy/robodog | 1.6.6 | | @uppy/dashboard | 1.8.5 | @uppy/screen-capture | 1.0.1 | | @uppy/drag-drop | 1.4.12 | @uppy/status-bar | 1.6.5 | | @uppy/dropbox | 1.4.5 | @uppy/thumbnail-generator | 1.5.12 | | @uppy/facebook | 1.1.5 | @uppy/transloadit | 1.5.10 | | @uppy/file-input | 1.4.11 | @uppy/tus | 1.5.12 | | @uppy/form | 1.3.14 | @uppy/url | 1.5.5 | | @uppy/golden-retriever | 1.3.13 | @uppy/utils | 2.4.4 | | @uppy/google-drive | 1.5.5 | @uppy/webcam | 1.6.5 | | @uppy/informer | 1.5.5 | @uppy/xhr-upload | 1.5.10 | | @uppy/instagram | 1.4.5 | uppy | 1.14.1 | | @uppy/provider-views | 1.6.5 | - | - |

    • @uppy/companion: catch download failures via response status codes (#2223 / @ifedapoolarewaju)
    • 🌲 @uppy/companion: mask secrets present in log messages (#2214 / @ifedapoolarewaju)
  • v1.14 Changes

    πŸš€ Released: 2020-04-29

    πŸ“¦ | Package | Version | Package | Version | |-|-|-|-| | @uppy/aws-s3-multipart | 1.6.3 | @uppy/onedrive | 1.1.4 | | @uppy/aws-s3 | 1.6.3 | @uppy/progress-bar | 1.3.12 | | @uppy/companion-client | 1.4.3 | @uppy/provider-views | 1.6.4 | | @uppy/companion | 2.0.0-alpha.0 | @uppy/react | 1.6.4 | | @uppy/core | 1.10.3 | @uppy/robodog | 1.6.5 | | @uppy/dashboard | 1.8.4 | @uppy/screen-capture | 1.0.0 | | @uppy/drag-drop | 1.4.11 | @uppy/status-bar | 1.6.4 | | @uppy/dropbox | 1.4.4 | @uppy/thumbnail-generator | 1.5.11 | | @uppy/facebook | 1.1.4 | @uppy/transloadit | 1.5.9 | | @uppy/file-input | 1.4.10 | @uppy/tus | 1.5.11 | | @uppy/form | 1.3.13 | @uppy/url | 1.5.4 | | @uppy/golden-retriever | 1.3.12 | @uppy/utils | 2.4.3 | | @uppy/google-drive | 1.5.4 | @uppy/webcam | 1.6.4 | | @uppy/informer | 1.5.4 | @uppy/xhr-upload | 1.5.9 | | @uppy/instagram | 1.4.4 | uppy | 1.14.0 | | @uppy/locales | 1.13.2 | - | - |

    • @uppy/aws-s3: fix double encoding of the upload params (#2220 / @romain-preston)
    • @uppy/aws-s3: fixing URL constructor use in Safari (#2207 / @NaxYo)
    • @uppy/companion: improve obscuring sensitive values in standalone server (#2219 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • ⬆️ @uppy/companion: upgrade Companion version used in Heroku setup instructions (#2206 / @zacharylawson)
    • 🚚 @uppy/dashboard: move from white to off-white in Dark Mode (#2222 / @arturi)
    • ⚑️ @uppy/locales: various updates to French translation (#2203 / @louim, #2216 / dtrucs)
    • πŸ”Œ @uppy/screen-capture: add a new plugin for recording your device screen (#2132 / @jukakoski & @arturi)
    • @uppy/thumbnail-generator: use new exifr.rotation() API (#2230 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • 🚚 @uppy/utils: remove duplicate check of element type (#2210 / @jrschumacher)