when v1.5.0 Release Notes

    • ๐Ÿ†• New task execution and concurrency management: [when/sequence](docs/api.md#whensequence), [when/pipeline](docs/api.md#whenpipeline), and [when/parallel](docs/api.md#whenparallel).
    • ๐ŸŽ Performance optimizations for [when.all](docs/api.md#whenall) and [when.map](docs/api.md#whenmap), up to 2x in some cases.
    • ๐ŸŽ Options for disabling [paranoid mode](docs/api.md#paranoid-mode) that provides a significant performance gain in v8 (e.g. Node and Chrome). See this v8 performance problem with Object.freeze for more info.
    • Important: deferred and deferred.resolver no longer throw when resolved/rejected multiple times. They will return silently as if the they had succeeded. This prevents parties to whom only the resolver has been given from using try/catch to determine the state of the associated promise.
      • For debugging, you can use the when/debug module, which will still throw when a deferred is resolved/rejected multiple times.