winston v3.0.0-rc0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-10-02 // over 6 years ago

    ⬆️ See []( for a complete & living upgrade guide.

    👀 See []( for a list of remaining RC tasks.

    • 🌲 Rewrite of core logging internals: Logger & Transport are now implemented using Node.js objectMode streams.
    • Your transports should not break: Special attention has been given to ensure backwards compatibility with existing transports. You will likely see this: YourTransport is a legacy winston transport. Consider upgrading to winston@3: - Upgrade docs:
    • 🌲 filters, rewriters, and common.log are now formats: winston.format offers a simple mechanism for user-land formatting & style features. The organic & frankly messy growth of common.log is of the past; these feature requests can be implemented entirely outside of winston itself. ``` js const { createLogger, format, transports } = require('winston'); const { combine, timestamp, label, printf } = format;

    const myFormat = printf(info => { return ${info.timestamp} [${info.label}] ${info.level}: ${info.message}; });

    const logger = createLogger({ combine( label({ label: 'right meow!' }), timestamp(), myFormat ), transports: [new transports.Console()] });

    - **Increased modularity:** several subsystems are now stand-alone packages:
      - [logform] exposed as `winston.format`
      - [winston-transport] exposed as `winston.Transport`
      - [abstract-winston-transport] used for reusable unit test suites for transport authors.
    - 🚧 **`2.x` branch will get little to no maintenance:** no feature requests will be accepted – only a limited number of open PRs will be merged. Hoping the [significant performance benefits][perf-bench] incentivizes folks to upgrade quickly. Don't agree? Say something!
    - 👍 **No guaranteed support for `node@4` or below:** all code will be migrated to ES6 over time. This release was started when ES5 was still a hard requirement due to the current LTS needs.