Choo v5.1.0 Release Notes

  • In order to improve, we must measure first. Specifically when it comes to framerate there are very specific numbers we can rely on: ~16ms for any given 👍 frame to achieve 60fps. That's why in 5.1.0 we're adding support for the 🐎 window.Performance API.

    🏗 We hope that by adding support for timers, people building applications on 🐎 choo will become more aware of their application's performance and learn how ⚡️ and when to optimize. Hopefully this will help in making applications ✅ accessible to all sorts of devices, and not just the latest and greatest.

    0️⃣ Timing support will be enabled by default, and can be toggled off by passing { timing: false } to the var app = choo() constructor.

    💻 Timing calls will not run in browsers that don't support it out of the box. 💻 For unsupported browser's there's a polyfill available at nolanlawson/marky. The timing marks are choo:renderStart, choo:renderEnd. The resulting diff is stored as choo:render.

    🚀 We hope you'll enjoy this release; thanks heaps for using choo!

    🔄 changes

    • ➕ added out of the box support for performance timings (window.performance)
    • ⚡️ updated nanobus to 3.0.0; '*' events now run after named events