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28 days
Latest Release
523 days ago

Changelog History
Page 10

  • v5.15.0 Changes

    May 20, 2016

    πŸ›  Bugfixes

    πŸ›  Fix bug that caused the selection to reset when focusing the editor in contentEditable input mode.

    πŸ›  Fix issue where not all ASCII control characters were being replaced by placeholders.

    βœ‚ Remove the assumption that all modes have a startState method from several wrapping modes.

    πŸ›  Fix issue where the editor would complain about overlapping collapsed ranges when there weren't any.

    ⚑️ Optimize document tree building when loading or pasting huge chunks of content.

    markdown mode: Fix several issues in matching link targets.

    clike mode: Improve indentation of C++ template declarations.

    πŸ†• New features

    Explicitly bind Ctrl-O on OS X to make that binding (β€œopen line”) act as expected.

    Pasting linewise-copied content when there is no selection now inserts the lines above the current line.

    πŸ‘ javascript mode: Support async/await and improve support for TypeScript type syntax.

  • v5.14.2 Changes

    April 20, 2016

    πŸ›  Bugfixes

    πŸ“¦ Push a new package to NPM due to an NPM bug omitting the LICENSE file in 5.14.0.

    πŸ’» Set dataTransfer.effectAllowed in dragstart handler to help browsers use the right drag icon.

    βž• Add the mbox mode to mode/meta.js.

  • v5.14.0 Changes

    April 20, 2016

    πŸ›  Bugfixes

    posFromIndex and indexFromPos now take lineSeparator into account.

    vim bindings: Only call .save() when it is actually available.

    comment addon: Be careful not to mangle multi-line strings.

    Python mode: Improve distinguishing of decorators from @ operators.

    findMarks: No longer return marks that touch but don't overlap given range.

    πŸ†• New features

    vim bindings: Add yank command.

    match-highlighter addon: Add trim option to disable ignoring of whitespace.

    PowerShell mode: Added.

    Yacas mode: Added.

    🌐 Web IDL mode: Added.

    SAS mode: Added.

    mbox mode: Added.

  • v5.13.2 Changes

    March 23, 2016

    πŸ›  Bugfixes

    Solves a problem where the gutter would sometimes not extend all the way to the end of the document.

  • v5.13.0 Changes

    March 21, 2016

    πŸ†• New features

    πŸ†• New DOM event forwarded: "dragleave".

    protobuf mode: Newly added.

    πŸ›  Bugfixes

    πŸ›  Fix problem where findMarks sometimes failed to find multi-line marks.

    πŸ›  Fix crash that showed up when atomic ranges and bidi text were combined.

    show-hint addon: Completion widgets no longer close when the line indented or dedented.

    πŸ”€ merge addon: Fix bug when merging chunks at the end of the file.

    placeholder addon: No longer gets confused by swapDoc.

    simplescrollbars addon: Fix invalid state when deleting at end of document.

    clike mode: No longer gets confused when a comment starts after an operator.

    πŸ’… markdown mode: Now supports CommonMark-style flexible list indentation.

    πŸ›  dylan mode: Several improvements and fixes.

  • v5.12.0 Changes

    February 19, 2016

    πŸ†• New features

    Vim bindings: Ctrl-Q is now an alias for Ctrl-V.

    Vim bindings: The Vim API now exposes an unmap method to unmap bindings.

    πŸ’… active-line addon: This addon can now style the active line's gutter.

    FCL mode: Newly added.

    SQL mode: Now has a Postgresql dialect.

    πŸ›  Bugfixes

    πŸ›  Fix issue where trying to scroll to a horizontal position outside of the document's width could cause the gutter to be positioned incorrectly.

    β†ͺ Use absolute, rather than fixed positioning in the context-menu intercept hack, to work around a problem when the editor is inside a transformed parent container.

    Solve a problem where the horizontal scrollbar could hide text in Firefox.

    πŸ›  Fix a bug that caused phantom scroll space under the text in some situations.

    Sublime Text bindings: Bind delete-line to Shift-Ctrl-K on OS X.

    πŸ“œ Markdown mode: Fix issue where the mode would keep state related to fenced code blocks in an unsafe way, leading to occasional corrupted parses.

    Markdown mode: Ignore backslashes in code fragments.

    πŸ“œ Markdown mode: Use whichever mode is registered as text/html to parse HTML.

    Clike mode: Improve indentation of Scala => functions.

    Python mode: Improve indentation of bracketed code.

    πŸ’… HTMLMixed mode: Support multi-line opening tags for sub-languages (<script>, <style>, etc).

    Spreadsheet mode: Fix bug where the mode did not advance the stream when finding a backslash.

    πŸ”§ XML mode: The mode now takes a matchClosing option to configure whether mismatched closing tags should be highlighted as errors.

  • v5.11.0 Changes

    January 20, 2016
    • πŸ†• New modes: JSX, literate Haskell
    • The editor now forwards more DOM events: cut, copy, paste, and touchstart. It will also forward mousedown for drag events
    • πŸ›  Fixes a bug where bookmarks next to collapsed spans were not rendered
    • πŸ‘ The Swift mode now supports auto-indentation
    • Frontmatters in the YAML frontmatter mode are now optional as intended
  • v5.10.0 Changes

    December 21, 2015
  • v5.9.0 Changes

    November 23, 2015
    • πŸ‘Œ Improve the way overlay (OS X-style) scrollbars are handled
    • πŸ‘‰ Make annotatescrollbar and scrollpastend addons work properly together
    • 🚚 Make show-hint addon select options on single click by default, move selection to hovered item
    • Properly fold comments that include block-comment-start markers
    • πŸ›  Many small language mode fixes
  • v5.8.0 Changes

    October 20, 2015