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Showing projects tagged as JavaScript, UI, and Reactjs
React Notification System
4.9 0.0 JavaScriptA complete and totally customizable component for notifications in React -
🦞 Modali
1.9 0.0 JavaScriptA delightful modal dialog component for React, built from the ground up to support React Hooks. -
React Chat UI
1.3 9.0 TypeScriptBuild your own chat UI with React Chat UI components in a few minutes. React Chat UI Kit from is an open source UI toolkit for developing web chat applications. -
0.7 9.4 JavaScriptDISCONTINUED. Starter applications and feature demonstrations built with the jsPlumb Toolkit -
0.5 0.0 JavaScriptAnother node cli colors module. Done simply and with native syntax. It's ment to make sense to engineers, not script kiddies.