meteor v1.8.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-04-03 // about 5 years ago
  • 💥 Breaking changes

    • Although we are not aware of any specific backwards incompatibilities, the major upgrade of cordova-android from 6.4.0 to 7.1.4 likely deserves extra attention, if you use Cordova to build Android apps.

    Migration Steps


    🔄 Changes

    Note: While Node 8.12.0 included changes that may improve the performance of Meteor apps, there have been reports of CPU usage spikes in production due to excessive garbage collection, so this version of Meteor should be considered experimental until those problems have been fixed. Issue #10216

    • ⬆️ The npm tool has been upgraded to version 6.9.0, and our fork of its pacote dependency has been updated to version 9.5.0.

    • ⬆️ Mongo has been upgraded to version 4.0.6 for 64-bit systems (was 4.0.2), and 3.2.22 for 32-bit systems (was 3.2.19). The mongodb npm package used by npm-mongo has been updated to version 3.1.13 (was 3.1.6).

    • ⚡️ The fibers npm package has been updated to version 3.1.1, a major update from version 2.0.0. Building this version of fibers requires a C++11 compiler, unlike previous versions. If you deploy your Meteor app manually (without using Galaxy), you may need to update the version of g++ used when running npm install in the bundle/programs/server directory.

    • ⚡️ The meteor-babel npm package has been updated to version 7.3.4.

    • Cordova Hot Code Push mechanism is now switching versions explicitly with call to WebAppLocalServer.switchToPendingVersion instead of trying to switch every time a browser reload is detected. If you use any third party package or have your own HCP routines implemented be sure to call it before forcing a browser reload. If you use the automatic reload from the Reload meteor package you do not need to do anything. cordova-plugin-meteor-webapp PR #62

    • 🏗 Multiple Cordova-related bugs have been fixed, including Xcode 10 build incompatibilities and hot code push errors due to duplicated images/assets. PR #10339

    • The cordova-android and cordova-ios npm dependencies have been updated to 7.1.4 (from 6.4.0) and 4.5.5 (from 4.5.4), respectively.

    • 🐎 Build performance has improved (especially on Windows) thanks to additional caching implemented by @zodern in PRs #10399, #10452, #10453, and #10454.

    • The meteor mongo command no longer uses the --quiet option, so the normal startup text will be displayed, albeit without the banner about Mongo's free monitoring service. See this MongoDB Jira issue for more details.

    • 📦 In Meteor packages, client/ and server/ directories no longer have any special meaning. In application code, client/ directories are ignored during the server build, and server/ directories are ignored during the client build, as before. This special behavior previously applied to packages as well, but has now been removed. Issue #10393 PR #10414

    • If your application is using Git for version control, the current Git commit hash will now be exposed via the Meteor.gitCommitHash property while the app is running (in both server and client code), and also via the "gitCommitHash" property in the star.json file located in the root directory of builds produced by meteor build, for consumption by deployment tools. If you are not using Git, neither property will be defined. PR #10442

    • The Meteor Tool now uses a more reliable method (the MongoDB isMaster command) to detect when the local development database has started and is ready to accept read and write operations. PR #10500

    • Setting the x-no-compression request header will prevent the webapp package from compressing responses with gzip, which may be useful if your Meteor app is behind a proxy that compresses resources with another compression algorithm, such as brotli. PR #10378