Protractor v0.16.1 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿš€ Note: Major version 0 releases are for initial development, and backwards incompatible changes may be introduced at any time.

    ๐Ÿš€ Note: 0.16.0 was released as a canary - no changelog for it.

    ๐Ÿ”‹ Features

    • (a75fa04) docs(readme): add the travis status widget

    • (478c00a) feat(runner): add beta support for using mocha as your test framework

    This change adds limited support for using mocha as the test framework instead of jasmine. Make the switch by using --framework=mocha on the command line or adding framework: 'mocha' to the config. Tests will be run using the BDD interface. The interface is adapted so that tests run asynchronously without needing to call done().

    Note that there is currently no support for an assertion framework, so you will need to require whichever assertion framework you prefer. This means there is no adapter to make the assertions unwrap promises, so you will need to resolve promises yourself and run the assertions afterwards.

    • (3731abf) feat(webdriver-manager): add seleniumPort command line option

    Added seleniumPort command line option so that the standalone selenium server can be started with the supplied port number as opposed to the default port 4444.

      $ webdriver-manager start --seleniumPort 4443

    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

    • (bc18c42) chore(config): saucelabs requires tunnel identifier to be a string

    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Changes

    • (478c00a) feat(runner): add beta support for using mocha as your test framework

    To allow the user to customize their framework, the protractor runner will now wait until just before onPrepare to load the framework. This means that jasmine will not be available in global until onPrepare. For example, this means that requiring the jasmine-reporters module must be done inside onPrepare, since that module expects jasmine to be available at the time it is loaded.