Protractor v1.2.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿ”‹ Features

    • (830f511) feat(protractor): allow file:// baseUrls

    Modified protractor to support testing node-webkit by using string concatenation vs url.resolve() when the baseUrl begins with file://

    Closes #1266.

    • (71b9c97) feat(cucumber): process the Cucumber 'coffee' param

    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

    • (ade9a92) fix(webdriver-manager): always use https for downloading webdriver binaries

    This fixes issues with unzipping - see #1259

    • (9a8f45a) fix(locators): locators should use the root element provided in config

    Previously, locators used 'document' as the root for their search. After this change, they will use the root element provided in the config file - config.rootElement. This will make sure behavior is correct if there are multiple angular apps on one page, and also enables the getTestability path, because that requires a root element under an ng-app.