Protractor v2.4.0 Release Notes

  • 🚀 This release contains only a version update to selenium-webdriver, webdriver javascript bindings, and associated bug fixes.

    ⬆️ Dependency Version Upgrades

    • (9a202ab) chore(dependencies): update selenium-webdriver to 2.47.0

    Along with it, update jasminewd2 to avoid situations where the control flow gets locked up and hangs.

    Potential Breaking Change:

    This is passing all existing Protractor tests, but there is a possibility that the changes to the control flow will cause some test flows to hang. If this causes issues, such as tests hanging or commands executing out of order, please revisit your use of functions affecting the control flow, such as flow.execute.

    See the selenium-webdriver changelog at

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • (f034e01) fix(synchronizing): use the same control flow when ignoring sync

    Previously, the order of frames and tasks on the control flow was different depending on browser.ignoreSynchronization. This fixes the inconsistency by creating an empty task when ignoreSynchronization is true.

    Practically, this fixes the polling spec failing after the update to [email protected].