Protractor v5.3.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-01-25 // over 6 years ago
  • ๐Ÿ”‹ Features

    • (9d87982) feat(config): allow to use newer versions of CoffeeScript (#4567) CoffeeScript lost the hyphen in the module name about 9 months ago, all the new versions are going to be released as coffeescript not the coffee-script

    • (6ba30e0) feat(driverProviders): Add TestObject and Kobiton as driverProviders Add TestObject and Kobiton as driverProviders

      1. Add testObject and kobiton to driverProviders
      2. Add testObject and kobiton items to cli, config and index
      3. Add instructions for using testObject and kobiton to server-setup

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixes

    • (a62a154) fix(script): fix compile-to-es5 script (#4676) make compile-to-es5 script rely on native es6-promise typing

    • (964baba) fix(clientsidescript): avoid returning the value of test callback in waitForAngular (#4667) The return value could be interpreted as an error by mistake in some situation Also fix a wrong if-condition in error reporting

    • (83e2ba8) fix(website): Locator'field_name') (#4653)

    • (02746dd) fix(browser): Add space after full stop in error message. (#4594) Linkifiers interpret the ".If" at the end of the URL as part of the URL.

    • (7f968e0) fix(direct): Use config's geckoDriver when specified (#4554) This change makes the firefox capability more closely match chrome's. The firefox capability was not looking for config_.geckoDriver like chrome was.

    • (f9df456) docs(element): fix minor typo in element.ts (#4471)

    • (65f206e) docs(website): updated reference from ignoreSynchronization to waitForAngularEnabled(false). (#4632)


    • (335680f) fix(circleCI): lock the currect version of all dependencies (#4669) CircleCI was broken by the new release of gulp-clang-format and jasmine
      1. pin the version of gulp-clang-format to 1.0.23
      2. pin jasmine version to 2.8.0
      3. add lock file