q v0.3.0 Release Notes

    • The post method has been reverted to its original signature, as provided in Tyler Close's ref_send API. That is, post accepts two arguments, the second of which is an arbitrary object, but usually invocation arguments as an Array. To provide variadic arguments to post, there is a new invoke function that posts the variadic arguments to the value given in the first argument.
    • The defined method has been moved from q to q/util since it gets no use in practice but is still theoretically useful.
    • The Promise constructor has been renamed to makePromise to be consistent with the convention that functions that do not require the new keyword to be used as constructors have camelCase names.
    • The isResolved function has been renamed to isFulfilled. There is a new isResolved function that indicates whether a value is not a promise or, if it is a promise, whether it has been either fulfilled or rejected. The code has been revised to reflect this nuance in terminology.