q v0.8.4 Release Notes

    • WARNING: promise.timeout is now rejected with an Error object and the message now includes the duration of the timeout in miliseconds. This doesn't constitute (in my opinion) a backward-incompatibility since it is a change of an undocumented and unspecified public behavior, but if you happened to depend on the exception being a string, you will need to revise your code.
    • Added deferred.makeNodeResolver() to replace the more cryptic deferred.node() method.
    • Added experimental Q.promise(maker(resolve, reject)) to make a promise inside a callback, such that thrown exceptions in the callback are converted and the resolver and rejecter are arguments. This is a shorthand for making a deferred directly and inspired by @gozala’s stream constructor pattern and the Microsoft Windows Metro Promise constructor interface.
    • Added experimental Q.begin() that is intended to kick off chains of .then so that each of these can be reordered without having to edit the new and former first step.