Uppy v0.15.0 Release Notes

  • 🚀 Released: 2017-03-02. Theme: Speeding and cleaning. Favorite Uppy Server version: 0.4.0.

    • ⚡️ [x] build: update dependencies and eslint-plugin-standard, nodemon --> onchange, because simpler and better options (@arturi)
    • 🏗 [x] build: fix Function.caller issue in lib which gets published to NPM package, add babel-plugin-yo-yoify (@arturi #158 #163)
    • [x] provider: show error view for things like not being able to connect to uppy server should this be happening when uppy-server is unavailable http://i.imgur.com/cYJakc9.png (@arturi, @ifedapoolarewaju)
    • [x] provider: loading indicator while the GoogleDrive / Dropbox files are loading (@arturi, @ifedapoolarewaju)
    • [x] provider: logout link/button? (@arturi, @ifedapoolarewaju)
    • [x] provider: fix breadcrumbs (@ifedapoolarewaju)
    • 🔨 [x] server: refactor local/remote uploads in tus, allow for pause/resume with remote upload (@arturi, @ifedapoolarewaju)
    • ⚡️ [x] server: throttle progress updates sent through websockets, sometimes it can get overwhelming when uploads are fast (@ifedapoolarewaju)
    • [x] server: pass file size from Google Drive / Dropbox ? (@ifedapoolarewaju)
    • [x] server: return uploaded file urls (from Google Drive / Dropbox) ? (@ifedapoolarewaju)
    • 🔒 [x] server: research having less permissions, smaller auth expiration time for security (@ifedapoolarewaju)
    • [x] dashboard: basic React component (@arturi)
    • [x] core: experiment with nanoraf and requestAnimationFrame (@arturi)
    • ⚡️ [x] core: add throttling of progress updates (@arturi)
    • ✅ [x] dashobard: fix Missing file.progress.bytesTotal property (@arturi #152)
    • ⚡️ [x] dashboard: switch to prettier-bytes for more user-friendly progress updates (@arturi)
    • ⚡️ [x] dashboard: fix updateDashboardElWidth() not firing in time, causing container width to be 0 (@arturi)
    • [x] multipart: treat all 2xx responses as successful, return xhr object in core:upload-success (@arturi #156 #154)
    • ⚡️ [x] dashboard: throttle StatusBar numbers, so they update only once a second (@arturi, @acconut)
    • [x] dashboard: add titles to pause/resume/cancel in StatusBar (@arturi)
    • [x] dashboard: precise circleLength and stroke-dasharray/stroke-dashoffset calculation for progress circles on FileItem (@arturi)
    • 0️⃣ [x] dashboard: don’t show per-file detailed progress by default — too much noise (@arturi)
    • [x] website: blog post and images cleanup (@arturi)