Uppy v0.19.0 Release Notes

  • 🚀 Released: 2017-09-15. ✅ Theme: Tests and better APIs

    • goldenretriever: allow passing options to IndexedDbStore (#339 / sunil-shrestha)
    • 👷 core: add Uppy instance ID option, namespace serviceWorker action types, add example using multiple Uppy instances with Goldenretriever (#333 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • core: fix calculateTotalProgress - NaN (#342 / @arturi)
    • 🔨 core: fix and refactor restrictions (#345 / @arturi)
    • 👍 core: Better generateFileID (#330 / @arturi)
    • core: improve isOnline() (#319 / @richardwillars)
    • 💅 core: remove unused bootstrap styles (#329 / @arturi)
    • core: experiment with yo-yo --> preact and picodom (#297 / @arturi)
    • dashboard: fix FileItem source icon position and copy (@arturi)
    • dashboard: expose and document the show/hide/isOpen API (@arturi)
    • dashboard: allow multiple triggers of the same class .open-uppy (#328 / @arturi)
    • 🔌 plugins: add aria-hidden to all SVG icons for accessibility (#4e808ca3d26f06499c58bb77abbf1c3c2b510b4d / @arturi)
    • 🔀 core: Handle sync returns and throws in possibly-async function options (#315 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • ✅ core: switch to Jest tests, add more tests for Core and Utils (#310 / @richardwillars)
    • website: Minify bundle for disc (#332 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • 🚚 transloadit: remove this.state getter (#331 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • server: option to define valid upload urls (@ifedapoolarewaju)
    • ✅ server: more automated tests (@ifedapoolarewaju)