Uppy v0.20.0 Release Notes

  • 🚀 Released: 2017-10-03. Theme: React and Retry

    • 💻 core: retry/error when upload can’t start or fails (offline, connection lost, wrong endpoint); add error in file progress state, UI, question mark button (#307 / @arturi)
    • 🔌 core: support for retry in Tus plugin (#307 / @arturi)
    • 🔌 core: support for retry in XHRUpload plugin (#307 / @arturi)
    • 🔌 core: Add support for Redux DevTools via a plugin (#373 / @arturi)
    • 🔀 core: improve and merge the React PR (#170 / @goto-bus-stop, @arturi)
    • 🌲 core: improve core.log method, add timestamps (#372 / @arturi)
    • dragdrop: redesign, add note, width/height options, arrow icon (#374 / @arturi)
    • uploaders: upload resolution changes, followup to #323 (#347 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • ⚠ uploaders: issue warning when no uploading plugins are used (#372 / @arturi)
    • ✅ core: fix replaceTargetContent and add tests for Plugin (#354 / @gavboulton)
    • goldenretriever: Omit completed uploads from saved file state—previously, when an upload was finished and the user refreshed the page, all the finished files would still be there because we saved the entire list of files. Changed this to only store files that are part of an in-progress upload, or that have yet to be uploaded (#358, #324 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • 🚚 goldenretriever: Remove files from cache when upload finished—this uses the deleteBlobs function when core:success fires (#358, #324 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • goldenretriever: add a timestamp to cached blobs, and to delete old blobs on boot (#358, #324 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • 👀 s3: have some way to configure content-disposition for uploads, see #243 (@goto-bus-stop)
    • 🚚 core: move setPluginState and add getPluginState to Plugin class (#363 / @goto-bus-stop)