Uppy v0.27.1 Release Notes

  • πŸš€ Released: 2018-08-16.

    πŸ†• New versions in this release:

    πŸ“¦ | Package | Version | Package | Version | |-|-|-|-| | uppy | 0.27.1 | @uppy/instagram | 0.27.1 | | @uppy/aws-s3-multipart | 0.27.1 | @uppy/progress-bar | 0.27.1 | | @uppy/aws-s3 | 0.27.1 | @uppy/provider-views | 0.27.1 | | @uppy/companion-client | 0.27.1 | @uppy/react | 0.27.1 | | @uppy/companion | 0.14.1 | @uppy/redux-dev-tools | 0.27.1 | | @uppy/dashboard | 0.27.1 | @uppy/status-bar | 0.27.1 | | @uppy/drag-drop | 0.27.1 | @uppy/thumbnail-generator | 0.27.1 | | @uppy/dropbox | 0.27.1 | @uppy/transloadit | 0.27.1 | | @uppy/file-input | 0.27.1 | @uppy/tus | 0.27.1 | | @uppy/form | 0.27.1 | @uppy/url | 0.27.1 | | @uppy/golden-retriever | 0.27.1 | @uppy/webcam | 0.27.1 | | @uppy/google-drive | 0.27.1 | @uppy/xhr-upload | 0.27.1 | | @uppy/informer | 0.27.1 | - | - |

    πŸ”„ Changes:

    • @uppy/companion: use explicit typescript devDependency.
    • πŸ“š @uppy/companion: rename Server β†’ Companion in documentation (#1007 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • website: Load all prism languages (#1004 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • πŸ“¦ @uppy/core: Fix peerDependencies of plugin packages. (#1005 / @goto-bus-stop)
    • @uppy/companion-client: Send cookies with fetch requests (#1000 / @geoffappleford)
    • βž• Add e2e test for providers (#990 / @ifedapoolarewaju)
    • website: attempt to fix font sizes on mobile vs desktop (@arturi)
    • πŸ”Œ @uppy/dashboard: show note and β€œpowered by” when no acquire/sources plugins are used too (@arturi)
    • ⚑️ Update dependencies. (#995 / @goto-bus-stop)